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File: IMG_4656.jpg (1.67 MB, 1170x1784)
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How are some people getting paid 191k and I barely get 65k a year in a large Midwest city anons

What is it that you do?
LMFAO designers getting uppity and comparing their drag'n'drop jobs to that of a SE. Wew, AI can't come soon enough, it seems.
lol yeah

google cant bot us LOL
>accusing others of being uppity
the irony.
you expect to make $191k for playing with photoshop? get a grip
i get paid cuz i make great design decisions that people appreciate, bb
not cuz i may or may not use photoshop
the bridge between coding and design is so small,, YOU CAN DO IT!
lol, no but yes
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>great design decisions that people appreciate
And that appreciation translates to barely $65k. How do you market yourself and do you keep up with competitors/economic trends?
You live in the Eastern Europe of the Americas, retard.
There are some people getting paid $65k a year and I only make $38k a year.
Your job sucks. Next post.
You guys are getting paid??
that question largely depends on what your occupation actually is

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