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File: ourfallenroma0000.png (57 KB, 459x192)
57 KB
I don't know if this goes here but idk, roast me gentle, i am new in this
If you hadn't told me what it was supposed to say, I would have no clue what it was saying. Take this idea completely back to the drawing board. I think utilizing Roman columns is cool but not how it was used here. Good luck.
The lettering is kind of cool, quirky and odd but still mostly legible...but the placement of "Roma" works totally against it making sense and is just too much.

The capital O works too even though it's a different typeface but the U isn't really helping things .... I would suggest laying it all out straight in a single line and then tweaking individual elements you think *really* need to be weirder
thnk for the tips ;)
This sucks but you clearly have the vision and tools to make something beautiful. Keep at it

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