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File: cant stand it.jpg (38 KB, 251x252)
38 KB
It's unironically over for low skill, low creativity designers. AI will never be able to match the spark of the human soul. It will get better and better at approximating it. But it won't get there. I, for one, am really looking forward to how graphic design will react to this in the coming years.
>AI will never be able to match the spark of the human soul.
He just did that. Open your eyes.
Low effort bait, these are so shit lol.
AI stuff is good until client asks for .psd/.ai file
The problem is, and this applies to all fields, is that your job won't be to make that logo anymore.
Your job will be to take the AI's output and fix it until it looks like something you could have arrived at given enough time.

You'll be paid worse as a result, it will be an employer's market for the next hundred years. After that the global economy, indeed the globe itself, will have stagnated and declined to such a degree due to the majority of people being low value, low productivity people (because they're not allowed to be productive).

A new, enduring darkness will descend upon humanity, a digital Dark Ages that will last for thousands of years.
cope seeth sneed
i could easly made 4 better looking logos then this in a time someone writing this prompt kek

1/3 and 4 is like 5 minutes each with better results, straight letters and in vectors, the second one cant be considered a logotype anyway
In some cases yes (yours) in some cases no
This is what I think.

Is ai art good? No
Will it replace a lot of art jobs? Yes
not because of AI but because GDers are bunch a low balling, spineless, let me work for free please, dunce cap wearing cowards.

you let managers devalue your craft too, fucking disgusting
>AI will never be able to match the spark of the human soul.
>AI will never be able to match the spark of the human soul.
You guys are making logos for base commerce. Spark of the human soul, Jesus Christ...
That's crap, and if that's better than what you're doing, stop making crap
I'm straight up not trying to be rude we've all made crap, and I've made plenty of crap. Before 2022, there were "free logo generator" sites that would make logos for free with templates that look just like OP and maybe even better.
now get it to separate all the elements into vector layers so you can actually print legible labels instead of shitposting on a cantonese cartoon corral
i love how recoiling art fags can only muster up "its shit"
I bet it would do this if you asked
They won't really be cost-saving for actual design work until and unless some better tooling is built around it. Stable Diffusion still sucks but has the best, if still inadequate, tooling, DALL-E and stuff tend to produce better images by default but are also impossible to actually work with after the fact.

Adobe will eventually properly integrate it into photoshop, or someone else will create some good tooling around it, and then there'll be a lot fewer, less skilled, cheaper, and more productive professional designers.

Then you'll have to get a job that isn't also fun like 99% of the population already does. Boo hoo.
Who said graphic design was fun.
kek every designer think he is the next hot shit, really the most pretentious field
DALL-E cannot output SVGs.
You realize that Illustrator has a vectorize and image trace tool to do this automatically?
Oh no, he has to do one extra step and that is to Google JPG/PNG to SVG. Damn!
you never fucking used that function, did you? kek, go ahead and try that with OPs results.

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