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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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How much does it cost to have a logo made for your company? My buddy says his friend hired some people and it cost him 8000 for 2 logos this cant be right, right? How much would you people charge for a nice logo made from scratch? Do you also do website design and if so how much would you charge?

Pic unrelated
not enough information to judge, honestly.
is the design-person well known and their service in high demand? how big is the business of your friend? multinational? is the studio legally checking for copyrights? did the deal include two sketches or full, complete, ready-to-use logos plus ownership? how many meetings/presentations/changes and so on?

logo creation is not just making nice pictograms, but can include a whole lot of research, prep work and responsibility.
you are not only paying for how it looks, but for how big and likely its success will be.

what do you think a fair price would be for a new amazon logo? imagine the potential consequences if shit goes wrong.
bezos wouldn't even want to pay student/cousin/amateur rates but happily sink enough money for whole teams of people to collect like 100 different approaches in order to then settle for the single best one.

believe me. there can be a lot of (invisible) work involved.
but that doesn't mean there not to be scammers...
as I said; not really enough information to be sure.
Well I come up with the rough idea and sketch and I ask an artist to come up with something in their own style
LOL, bro just use Microsoft Designer, it's free!
when a designer creates a logo, is it a one off payment for the services and product, or can there be situations where they get royalties for it's continued use, in a similar way a song or jingle might?

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