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Which one do you think is the best?
Tell us why you made your choice.
professional setting? pretty sure anybody who doesn't choose illustrator never actually tried it.
the only downside (under usual circumstances) is pricing.
I will join hating on adobe anytime. but so many of their programs are industry standard for a reason.
That's a great point. Adobe seems to only care about $$$$$$$ and not their customers/users.
Illustrator (pirated)
Good luck anon...
Figma is a meme, unneeded since XD and illustrator work hand and hand

all the other ones are retarded
This is very interesting, because it's not true.
which part?
Coreldraw, Only because I'm familiar with it.
XD has been discontinued.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that lol.
I used to like Corel Draw though, haven't used it in about 12 years.
CD is pretty decent but they need to step their game up.
>t.Inkscape and Gimp
figma is actually a lot more powerful than you realize. Illustrator still edges it out but figma has a lot of capabilities.
figma balls
Best for what? These all have things they do better than the other in very specific areas. Realistically you'll pick whatever suits your niche best, and have access to accessory programs to help make work outside that niche easier.

I think CorelDraw is the best for my particular line of work (engineering, CNC toolpaths and laser engraving) mostly because I have access to macros that can make it do so much more, or whatever I want, to make my workflows faster. If you know visualbasic, you can write your own scripts easily.

If I have to create artistic assets, make logos, or artistic typesetting, most of the time I'll be using Illustrator.

Social media posts, if working with my collaborators, Canva.

Getting ChatGPT to write code for SVG files to import into any of these as vector files, might also be useful to some.
i pick figma because im figma male
Talking, it's all about talking, that's where the money is. Talk to a fucking camera, upload, repeat.
Talking. Fucking talking.
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Procreate, Canva and considering paying for Glitche (been using it ever since it came out and using it for free is becoming increasingly more inconvenient).
Figma ballz lmaoo
i'd say illustrator just cos i'm most used to it but functionally probably figma. canva is objectively dogshit tho LOLL

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