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Frutiger metro/vector vomit/2000s maximalist CGI/whatever the hell you call It. I made a tutorial In Inkscape with gradients. that's literally It lol.
>Don't call me a trannyautistfag btw we don't need that energy here so gtfo and stfu.
you made a tutorial about how to fuck up a circle and then correct its dimensions?
glad you didn't call em a trannyautistfag we don't need that energy here

get lost with the pointless, uninteresting, beginner level tutorials we don't need that energy here
I don't care If It's low energy people want the circle they get the circle
Because I felt like It
Also you didn't watch the tutorial did you
Genuine question out of curiosity - is there any difference between doing this and just overlaying different sized/colored circles on top of one another?
quite possibly someone has a better answer than I do.
but personally I'd say the differences are mainly workflow/preferences-related.

both solutions simply handle a bit differently - you can probably do whichever you prefer (in each case). don't overthink it!
changing colors afterwards is different. there are less objects and no groups. you'd also have to implement procedural changes differently for each.
and still it doesn't *really* matter.
No but this technique takes out the annoying process of having to get them Into the right posistion. Also, what >>453468 said
The colors remind me more of the 70s psychedelic vibe
Yeah, I didn't really care about what colors I chose. Probably should have now that I think about It.

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