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File: BlackBlue.jpg (380 KB, 1080x1000)
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380 KB JPG
Help me make those ignorant plebs in /vp/ recognize that I'm right those ignorant mongrels don't understand that black IS a shade of blue.
I mean, it's also a shade of red, green, purple, etc.
What's your point?
>black IS a shade of blue
State your arguments
Black is a shade of blue. You are not very smart, are you?
How Is It? All I see Is a void, not one blue to be found. There's cool black, and there's dark blue. Black Is the absence of all color, you should've learned that In school anon. I wonder, what Is your proof? Is It the same answer as why the sky Is blue and that It's the colorwaves that make It blue? Seriously anon, do your fucking research.
File: 1710274532371030.png (824 B, 989x69)
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824 B PNG
Yep. Keep embarrassing yourself. It gets funnier with each post.
There's something wrong with your program. Mine keeps It on whatever hue I was using beforehand, and most programs I've seen autoset to red. Admit It, you're wrong anon. There Is literal scientific proof that blue Is not a shade of blue.
Black is an achromatic color that represents zero on the value scale, white is ten.
Every color can be associated with a specific value between 0 and 10.

Pic related, mong.
>Black is not a shade of blue. You are not very smart, are you?
Try harder
I will accept this IF you concede that White is a shade of Red.
Based, I always knew it was true.
K is black, bitch.
You got disproved really hard by >>453509, and I just want to let you know that Google is archiving the way you got burned incredibly hard and in fact feeding it to AIs.
The proof your idiocy, the way in which you were absolutely annihilated, all of this will be archived, documented, studied, and preserved for hundreds of years.

Can you imagine that? Your blunder will be used to teach a new kind of lifeform how not to make terrible, awful, "I should just kill myself right now" levels of public blunders.

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