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File: affinityv2_003.jpg (116 KB, 2000x560)
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RIP in peace Affinity Suite, you had such potential

How do you think they will ruin it bros?
Subscriptions probably. They don't want you using standalone apps they want online only.
doesn't matter
AI will do GD work for us
File: oh.png (36 KB, 1064x170)
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the vast majority of people have no principles
Not having a mandatory subscription fee as opposed to Adobe's Creative Cloud is *the* source of Affinity's success. It's the most cited reason people switched from Adobe. If Affinity goes subscription, it's over.
If I read the press release correctly, Canva is signaling that they intend for the Affinity suite to be used by designers to create assets for non-designers to use in the existing Canva web app.
So the idea is a company has a designer on staff who will create their corporate asset, and then marketing or whoever can make their collateral the same way they've been doing it.

I figure they will cease the perpetual licenses eventually since the number of Affinity users is dwarfed by the number of Canva subscribers.
But I don't think this will kill the software because I don't think they really care about having it as standalone software to begin with.
It was nice while it lasted, I'll probably keep my V2 install for the time being, but I don't think I'll be updating it anymore.
>AI will do GD work instead of us.
Judt get a crack when you can no longer authenticate. Hell, I used affinity more often than my pirated adobe for it's better performance in making graphics and signature looks manuals for companies, especially when all suites can be used seamlessly on Publisher. Canva is 100% kosher and will shelf affinity but keep the tools for their online only programs in the future.
In-Design is so archaic in comparison to Publisher it's laughable. I don't know why Affiinity products weren't mass adopted. I guess being the niche wasn't profitable enough for them.
Canva is FUCKING DOGSHIT. If you work as a sing print designer like me you'd agree.
InDesign is perfect for magazine and book layouts with master pages, but yeah, it's old but it does the job despite being featureless.
badly/cookiecutter (where that already exists in the form of templates)
>I don't know why Affiinity products weren't mass adopted
Affinity Photo is shit. I found two things I cant do in it after 2 hours of use. Not to mention some stupid UI and UX decisions. Im amateur in Photoshop and I felt the downgrade...
I don't think they'd do anything drastic enough to put off their users. At least not right away.
Will this open the doors for a native Linux version of Affinity? Serif has cited the lack of funding as the main reason they couldn't make one. Now that they're owned by a $40 billion company, that shouldn't really be much of a problem anymore.
>is *the* source of Affinity's success.
what success? also, RIP
the little success it had, dummy.

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