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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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/mu/sician here. looking for someone to do some album art for me. $75usd to your paypal or venmo or cashapp. re-create this album cover but with Kill Everyone instead of "This Romantic Tragedy". you do it good, you get paid. feel free to upload with watermarks. i'll upload some HQ images that you can re-build the cover with in the next few posts

sample of music in question:
basic elements:
>circuit board
>silent hill-type sigil
here's a nice circuit board
File: Goetia_seals.jpg (567 KB, 1259x1283)
567 KB
567 KB JPG
here's some nice sigils like they had in silent hill
if you want paid, post your paypal or venmo or whatever when you post a sample. i'll be monitoring.
File: kill every.jpg (2.91 MB, 3000x3000)
2.91 MB
2.91 MB JPG
This is one of my proposals, we could change something that you don't like, you can write to me on my ig @kerosene.co
i hit you up. i like the design. i think the head might need to be sunken a bit more into the water tho.
OP here, still open to more interpretations. if you do a good design, YOU GET PAID. don't matter who i go with in the end. show me your work
nah bro, hire a real designer with a real contract and a real budget, and you'll get some decent work
how bout i hire your dad to come kiss me on the lips?
gimmie some time op
shoot, I'll do that for free!

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