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I no longer know how to make money as a graphic designer Its all so hopeless
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Nah, your job can still be safe. I can’t get AI to draw basic shit, it always adds shit I didn’t want, then when I ask it to remove it, it proceeds to add more shit I didn’t ask for.

That's not going to be the case for long.
Ai is only going to get better..
Learn to code?
funny enough i just started 3 years to fucking laste hopefully 5 years of PS PP & AE will be useful with coding
just become a talker or manager or producer
get really good a bafflegabbing
talk the talk
tons of meetings, drown everyone in meetings, they love it
do complicated project management
lie to stakeholders how they can save money by using AI
if AI can't do it, just hire some bricklayer and pay them the least amount possible, jerk them around with a 90 day net payement, be slow to respond when they ask for payement, try to get away by not paying them at all
make decks full of AI and hire plebs to execute
always give vague notes, pixel fuck them to death
just be fucking annoying
be a bolshevik of course
DEI for life mein comrade
just make a lot of prompts then pile them up in layers and shop them up, it gets shit absurdly wrong any way, no way it can create comertial grade stuff
I logged onto facebook last week and saw a few posts with images like these with +300k bot reactions, did you make these?
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>be a bolshevik of course
He said he wants money
this is wht i mean when i say GD is dead attention is the only currency >>453904
all of the pretentious ARTIST faggots waged a war again AI while the new & hungy fuckers was making bank FUCK ARTIST & that cult shit
we live in capitalism & it will always win turn away from the AI bad shit of you will be left behind
Prove it
this type of shit is all over just log in & scroll for 20 secs
Not with 300k likes of bots. Just post it already, because I doubt it
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I meant a link to prove those claimed 300k reactions. Just say you lied alteady
get into coding shaders and you will become a googillionaire, it's probably the best intersection between graphics design & programming imo
was thinking of giving /3/a year b4 i get into coding but this art shit is not about skill & all marketing & iu hate that shit

should i ignore /3/ & just jump in
wtf is coding shaders & what is it used for ill probely research this by the time i get back a answer

but still explain it from someone who just spend 5 years fucking with PS PP & AE

& was just about to move into C4d
& why code when you can use /3/ programs

is this just the raw version of Houdini
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Think you opened the DOOR & i am hearing her name again
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tell me more about this field , her voice was silent when i was just reselling AE templates i am finally hear her voice again & is calling me
I just cleaned on this board to see how AI was treating you guys. Sorry, but my brother in law had a degree in this stuff, and he’s an insufferable little dickhead. He wouldn’t see his new-born nephew during the liberal reaction to “covid” and basically went full-Reddit on his family. He’s a typical Reddit leftist now, which means if you know them, you know him. That group does not tolerate dissent. Ergo, if you know a social media leftist, you know them all, complete with pronouns in the bio. He is my window into your world. It is for that reason that I have to say fuck you all. You will serve me as a service-class worker. I am your reminder that you didn’t learn math, hard logic, and useful skills such as technical and trade skills. My job will not be replaced until the end of humanity. I own a residential electric company. It cannot be outsourced, and robots will be fucking your mother long before they can crawl in attics and upsell soccer moms.
You will have a reduced standard of living. Same way men lost out when women joined the workplace.
lol your brother in law really broke your heart there.
Get a job? AI literally can't even make a circle out of vector art.
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Yeah I lied. How do I profit off of this?
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Its so temping to give up & trying to be the BEST & give into feeding retards retarded shit

>how do i get my mind to believe that getting attention & influencing others is > than becoming a good artist & mastering a skill
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500k likes on facebook
I haven't seen an ad for a graphic design job in literally a year where I live. the last job ad I saw I got that job and I've been looking for a new one ever since, nothing.
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happy birtady

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