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I have to design some "posters". One of those will have "facility rules" on it. Which font would you guys use for making it look like commie propaganda?
Basically, tips and tricks to make some decent communist regime like propaganda posters.
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How much will you pay me for advice, commie?
Well it depends, which place would you want it to look like? Russian propaganda is distinct from Cuban propaganda is distinct from Korean propaganda, etc.
If you just want a catch-all generic poster, then you'd probably just have to look into socialist realism and/or red monochromatic palettes.
Probably East Germany or Russian propaganda look.
bump so it doesn't die
Oh God I literally forgot about this post but it still here.
Anyway, I'm bumping it again.
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Low Res but poster from socialist Somali in lead up to Ogaden war
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Actual fucking soviet picture during Stalin's reign, that a friendly Russo anon posted in /int/, believe this was during the start of the first 5 year plan, may be wrong so take it with a grain of salt
Another socialist Somalia poster, propagandizing revanchist Greater Somalia
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These are archives documenting socialist spanish/portuguese/lusoafrican posters, pretty kino.
picrel is one of them I vectorised to print and frame in my room
It doesn't really matter what ideology a nation like Somalia has, their genes are a forever curse on their prosperity.
there are no russian active measures on the chans take your meds

here you can find a lot of examples of authentic east German objects , artifacts, posters, flyers, etc.

of course in German
With very few exceptions those kinds of posters use ALL CAPS and sans-serif block lettering that is intended to display strength, determination and brutal resolve, and tries way too hard. So much so that even if you can't read the lettering they are so over the top in both bold, blocky typeface and stark, in-your-face layout that you can't help but recognize the cliche for what it is.

Basically nothing is a soft sell or an appeal to humanity or individual feelings and even things like letter spacing make few concessions to making anything easy or pleasant or persuasive...they are NOT asking you to think, they are ordering you to agree and OBEY.
>propaganda is propaganda
who would've thought!
this. what would russians even get from western people fighting against each other?
Not all propaganda follows that template, dumbfuck; propaganda can be subtle, it can cajole and flatter and appeal to people's gentler nature as a means of manipulating them.

Totalitarian collectivist propaganda as a rule does not take that approach, especialy once that rule is established. STFU and read a book.
Honestly depends on the era, Stalin era propaganda posters look different than Brezhnev era ones.

>believe this was during the start of the first 5 year plan
It was, the first 5 year plan started in 1928 and "5 year plan in 4 years" was a common slogan associated with, hence "5 в 4" on the one flag.
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It's deeply cringe and I regret liking it but check out earth liberation studio
You sound like one of those people who want their horror movies jumpscare-free
I've got a reference archive with more than 1000 linoleum, transfer, litho and poster works.
How much will you pay me for my labour collecting them commie?
Not OP but how much do you want for them?
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ooooh do i have plenty.
You are not selling reality, you are selling an idea to go towards, something distant from now but also just around the corner. You must focus on the strength of the people but NOT the individual, forego unique faces, everyone is the same, man, woman, negro, spic, normal, all the same.
Celebrate only the material, no vague ideas, big factory, cars, tools, rockets, tanks, guns, buildings, monuments. Be emotional, unrealistically so, the images must sing.
Above all you must also think like a medieval peasant teleported into the scifi future.
Style doesn't make it look like a commie poster, it's the way it structures itself and what it says about the worldview of who made it. It's all between the lines. You can imitate style and you will ALWAYS fail because that's not what makes commies special. Westerners will struggle with these ideas, but to me, they come natural
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here are some of my few works trying to capture this i like to think i did a good job but idk i'm not the neutral party here
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Also play around with abstraction that's how it was done in yugoslavia but choose your inspiration, other states did it radically different.
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Make the glasses guy Putin and the one holding on Xi

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