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Any there any alternative non-dead communities?
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I would guess there to be some cocktail of reasons.

>for one, gd is quite s competitive field. technically it isn't that difficult to do, which makes unique ideas and esoteric techniques somewhat valuable. that makes many artists overly protective - especially if they are mediocre one-trick ponies.
>then, of course, like 60% (or more) of people posting aren't actually interested in gd, but kinda self-centered twats - hoping to squeeze out something for themselves (fonts or even requests. how many didn't even use google before creating a new thread? have you looked at the condition of the fonts-thread?). not necessarily an inviting precondition for people who know shit and are interested in actual conversation...
>and lastly; the arts infamously tend to be left-leaning. so the public image of [here] won't help recruit a lot of people either. actually working grown-ups don't have much reason to waste time with the uneducated semi-nazi neet's that think they know it all...

probably many other reasons as well. but these will likely be a part of it.
since children tend to draw (instead of *design*), most of them probably populate ic instead.
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Thanks for the effortpost. Your image sums it up basically. With imageboards (and forums) slowly dying I guess one should look at emerging communities at places like X or (premium) Telegram/Discord groups.

>for one, gd is quite s competitive field. technically it isn't that difficult to do, which makes unique ideas and esoteric techniques somewhat valuable.
What do you mean with that/can you tell more about that? Graphic design techniques themselves are not that hard? I am pretty strong on concepts/ideas but am underdeveloped on actual techniques except for the few niche/leftfield techniques I developed which results in a sort of feminine splatterbrain expressiveness (but no concrete marketable output). I have never heard anyone say that techniques in general are "not that hard". This is refreshing to read because I might be overestimating it.

>that makes many artists overly protective - especially if they are mediocre one-trick ponies.
Hmm. Why would anyone (of those people) show their work here (for free) if it gets stolen in the end? I would keep it to myself too

I prefer drawing over design (still like both) but the fact that that board is orange makes me not want to come there and leaves me stranded on this dead place. Same goes for /i/ obviously.
yeah, well. *in comparison to other professions* the basic techniques are relatively easy to acquire (in today's landscape), I'd say. for 98% of your problems there is *tons of tutorials* to watch. imagine being a nurse and during the first week having to look up what heparin is or how to insert a catheter... designers can pretty much look shit up whenever they need it and the tools are solid.
>also: designers are naturally used to working with the pc! even "historically" they obviously spend a lot of time online. thus they discovered the possibility of creating educational content relatively early on. there is *a lot* of gd content to consume!
I know of actual students watching online courses with their actual teachers at actually not so bad schools (lol!). the original things they do learn at school is approach and mind-work.

in my opinion the distinguishing factors at this point are discipline (read: true interest), taste and *usable* creativity - all of which you have to realize at amounts that keep things enjoyable and sustainable for you.
I really do think that having a set of esoteric techniques to be a distinguishing factor as well. but honestly, being able to learn new techniques quickly while being reliable in taste seems overall more useful to me. ¯\_( ツ )_/¯
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Again, thanks. That makes sense. I guess I should apply some more discipline to get through those free courses/tutorials.
Talking about discipline, do you know the book War of Art? It is a nice book about the process/grind of being an artist, the Draftsmen podcast has a nice episode on it. (Might be more applicable to me though)

>usable creativity
Can you define this? Makes me think of marketable/sellable art that actually makes one leave the (pity) state of the starving artist and actually get a proper career. Or are you going into deeper territory? (High art/fine art/making the esoteric exoteric)
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thank you! no, didn't know that book, but I probably listened to all episodes of draftsmen. I love Marshall!

weird topic. I think there are many different approaches to keeping a habit alive. not an expert on this myself.
my guess is that you have to find some setup that is natural enough to you so that continuing feels normal.
but I am not sure. people have various opinions, I think? no easy answer. maybe you have ideas to share?

>*usable* creativity
I mean something like *whatever you are able to handle*.

imagine a race car with 1000 hp.
it could obviously be crazy fast with that potential! that is your creativity.
but you need all these other components like gear, suspension, good tires and a solid downforce (and some experience?) to make actual use of it.
otherwise actually decent lap times are more of a fantasy.

so, which combination of these components exactly? honestly, depends on you and the track you are going for!
there is a lot of room for experimentation and individual solutions. fine tuning is about maximizing force to ground. not all cars are the same.
much creativity but crashing every bend might in total actually look like less creativity than a mediocre one that one can actually consolidate.
that is what I mean by *usable* - the part of your creativity that you can actually manifest into something, that is usable to you.
>sometimes dreaming big is fine, but you also have to find realistic solutions with realistic processes in between ;)
all the little design discords ive ever seen are typically run by some mediocre fivrr cunt that pumps out trash and no one calls them out cuz the ban hammer and people who joind the server either suck just as much or have nothing to say and shit in their pants
but i guess lot of discord servers are like that
Why do you want a community. What do you want to achieve.
>places like X or (premium) Telegram/Discord groups
desu I think bluesky will probably be the next thing for artfags
GD requires working with other people if you do it professionally but otherwise it's not really a "community" thing. Even when you work with others on a " team" in a pro setting those interactions are often highly competitive to downright adversarial.

Some of that is by design (no pun intended) since that kind of thing can push people to do their best work, but in general the field rewards people with strong individualistic visions who can articulate them to people who are uninterested, unconvinced our outright hostile and win them over.

Everyone's a critic and a big part of developing your skills is learning how to take unrelenting criticism and look at it objectively to see if it might be of value...and if it is, apply it without losing your individual perspective.

Exposure in a group setting can be helpful, but that's not really the same thing as a "community" and the ideas of cooperation and some duty of mutual support that that term implies. You want something more like a focus group where there's little implied value to any one perspective and you can sort out trends to see where your ideas strengths and weaknesses lie.

Even then, focus groups don't just take anyone and tailor the group to establish *some* experience that makes them worth hearing...if they're looking at toothpaste they expect you to have teeth, and try to weed out people who think brushing your teeth is a scam...or that work for their biggest competitor and have an interest in invalidating the effort.

There's some really knowledgeable and helpful anons here but so many useless trolls that its hard to have a real conversation or to get any real sense of trends.
Will comment later. Enjoying the weekend
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chad choice.
have a great time!
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A bit of a long weekend but here it goes:
Yeah, it is a good podcast, I did not expect graphic designers to listen to it too, but it makes sense. This is the episode in question: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4QnDG5NvYA7O5PWNfa9LpF

I do not agree with everything he says, like the endgoal being less important than the process. Both are important, but if you have low self discipline and too much stars in your eyes then this is a good book to set you straight and get you into the grind with a realistic/grounded vision.
>no easy answer. maybe you have ideas to share?
I can only give general advice but if you want something that applies to you as an individual then I can't help you because there are too many variables/I don't know what works for you. For me it has always been a gnawing desire to express the visions I have in my head and whenever I actually manage to succeed it feels really good. But raw desire is hard to manage and highly inconsistent, that is kind of why I like that book.
>but you need all these other components
This is why I also lift, meditate, manage my sleep/diet and try to develop more logical/left brain skills so that my machine/hardware/masculine part of me can manage more of my artistic feminine explosions of idiocy. I like the way you put it. I am a highly irrational being (relatively speaking) so balancing more with the rational can ironically get me to express more of my visions. I hope this helps?
>much creativity but crashing every bend might in total actually look like less creativity than a mediocre one that one can actually consolidate.
Yeah, that is me. Burnouts often. Less now.
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yeah, I too think that process AND result are important!
in dynamical systems theory there is the idea of the critical point (at which phase transition occurs).
liquids are highly chaotic. they are movable and entropy increases in them quickly until homogeneity is reached - at which point potential energy is lost. the result is stale/dead.
crystals on the other hand are highly ordered. so much so that no piece of it can easily be moved. the rigid lattice structure won't allow for any mobility, making it inept for life as well.

complexity is an emergent property that arises inbetween these two extremes:
at (or close to) said critical point, from which the system is allowed to spontaneously lean into any of the two states, if it so chooses. (through control and action)

you can find this idea "unity of opposites" everywhere - even in most (all?) religions and spiritual schools; yin yang, syzygy, hieros gamos,...
the higher level control mechanism is constantly being confronted with having to consider the lower-level drivers (which are mulishly pulling towards one of the phase states).
a multi-agent system with you at the steering wheel.

>this is where we find the human predicament.

another illustrating picture:
to most people it is intuitively obvious that politics should be centered! because that is the point of maximum potential.
if the system heavily leans in one direction then it naturally becomes increasingly difficult for it to transition into another "state of matter" (pun semi-intended).


all of this is to say that these 'dichotomies' like *result & process*, *rational & holistic*, *masculine & feminine* are nothing but perceivable agentic forces within you, which the higher order control system that is your consciousness is being asked to unite.
they just *appear* to you as contradictory extremes, when actually they are part of the same thing: a principle that keeps you on track.
That answer is more scientific/esoteric than expected, but appreciated. I will ponder about how to make this meta POV of yours connect to concrete actions.
>This guy thinks leftistS equals being "working grown-ups".

>and lastly; the arts infamously tend to be left-leaning. so the public image of [here] won't help recruit a lot of people either.

childrens books tend to be quite digestable for the inexperienced reader. maybe try one of those?
>actually working grown-ups don't have much reason to waste time with the uneducated semi-nazi neet's that think they know it all...
Funny if that's how they think of us, because you're literally describing every left wing nut over on mastodon
project much?
yea, well. totalitarians exist on both sides of the political spectrum...
>project much?
Babby's first bait? What I said is literally what keeps happening in the industry.
>some entrepreneur accidentally cooks up some great digital infrastructure product
>moves to Silicon Valley
>proceeds to spin out of his mind about the orange man being bad, radical left wing ideas, whatever else
>his behavior and ideas blow up the company
>doubles down and then triples down, the blame is on Capitalism (somehow)

Too big of a word. You shouldn't compare actual politicians to retards, even though the latter often think of themselves as more intelligent than the former.
>too big a word for describing politicians
who was talking about politicians? I thought we were talking platform users with ideologies?
there is ideologues in support of right wing totalitarianism and ideologues in support of left wing totalitarianism. obviously. I don't get what it is you are having issues with
>I thought we were talking platform users with ideologies?
Too big of a word for describing retards it what I meant. You shouldn't compare them to politicians even though retards think of themselves are more intelligent than insert historical figure here
LOFL, you act as if "totalitarian" only applies to to politicians when those totalitarian politicians are literally hired (or installed) by retards to act as their proxies and implement the totalitarian government the retards demand.

Only a true retard would fail to recognize or admit this.
well. I think that is true. but I am not trying to compare them with politicians.
I am trying to point out that both extremes of the left-right spectrum allow for an implementation that we learned to recognize as an authoritarian regime. calling people at the radical extremes 'totalitarians' doesn't seem super controversial desu

but we can use another term for these people, if you find something more fitting. I don't care about the words. I care about the message.
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>Only a true retard would fail to recognize or admit this.
I really wasn't shooting for a fleshed out opinion piece or anything, fren, even because the use of "totalitarian" was very loosey goosey anyway.

But if you insist, "totalitarian", used to describe someone, implies a direct relationship with an implemented or proposed regime. That is not what left wing millennials propose, they're mostly concerned with immediate pleasure and consumerism.
Case in point, many of them adopt lifestyles entangled with weird fetishes and/or drug use, and, when they wanna quit that, they adopt some label to describe what they are doing and proceed to consume whatever is coded with that label.

Politics means being part of an in-group that interacts with others by judging if they are existential threats or not (friend or foe distinction).
Millennials, particularly left wing ones, think of "foes" as "people that won't allow me to live my (weird fetishistic) lifestyle". Transgender leftists will UNIRONICALLY say "the blame of me being depressed is on Trump, Brexit, etc." (like the musician seweslvt does for instance, just to give you a concrete example).
Not only that, but they tend to be very childish in their thinking of their foes. It's always literally Hitler, Voldemort, whatever. They unironically call Trump "he who shall not be named".
They also tend to think that their opponents think about sex and deal with therapists like they do. So Trump having a small penis and trumpists being hurt is a great comeback for them.

And when they lash out on Mastodon or the like, it's always all of that combined. Frankly, it's not about totalitarianism at all. Scientifically speaking (as in PolSci), that would be the classical degeneration of democracy that Aristotle described in his Politics.

Hope you like my effortpost
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thank you! yes, I did enjoy the effortpost!

I think your evaluation is fair and very helpful.
and still I also think that the outer-most fringes of both sides have authoritarian-at-least tendencies (quite comparable to those of the people who were supporters of rising regimes).
at the extremes there is a weird interconnectedness between the political wings. some people consider the linear 'spectrum' to actually be a continuous loop/circle;
there are points in history, when the demand for an enforcement of social fairness turns into organized violence, turns into totalitarianism.
don't forget: what happened in germany was 'national SOCIALISM' a workers movement (with big nature conservation plans)!
the *actual nazis* that supported the *actual nazi party* had a different mindset about what is going on than we have today, including the idiots glorifying the historical events today.

I look at it like this:
>the Right likes dynamic and wants to be able to do stuff, which is why they dislike rules ("power to strong people")
>the Left likes decency and wants people to be supported, which is why want rules ("power to weak people")
>right wing people create organizations for the sake of maximum profit
>left wing people create institutions that reduce the power of these organizations
>shit hits the fan when ('right wing') people who wanna 'do shit' hijack the moral injuries of the angry leftist population, which (for the sake of social justice) demands a strong, regulating hand
>this normally works out for a short while, until the one-sided system is so corrupt from circle-jerking into madness that humanities biggest crimes start to unfold

process has no start or end points. both political sides *cause* each other. fault is equally distributed among them both.
if you ask me, radicalized forms of each side are totalitarian in spirit. not BECAUSE they want a regime, but because they unknowingly support acceleration into a rigid system of centralized power.
shut the fuck up with your idiotic self-confirming faggot ass nonsense speculations
>"totalitarian", used to describe someone, implies a direct relationship with an implemented or proposed regime

Voting for or otherwise providing support-even just rhetorical support- for that regime IS a direct relationship, genius.

If the implemented or proposed regime (or just a social heirarchy unrelated to government) is totalitarian in nature, they can absolutely be described accurately as totalitarians.

That isn't "comparing them to politicians", and most people who engage in activities that support those kinds of regimes or their implementation are not politicians or officials of any kind.
do you live in opposite world?

this has never happened.

Thank you anon for the reminder that it's not just me and the insufferable, dishonest, ignorantly bloviating, exclamation point spewing!! ESL tardbot with an opinion on everything left posting here.
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naaw. thank you!
admit it. you only keep coming back because it gives you masochistic satisfaction!

>you realize the crying over trifling matters making me wanna bloviate even harder, right?

(exclamation-pointtttttttt-shaming?! - RUDE!)
dynamical systems theory is a field of math studying the movements of points in systems through time. critical points in dynamical systems have nothing to do with phases of matter, and are instead just points in a dynamical system which do not move.

in thermodynamics, critical points are the points on the phase boundary between liquid and vapor with maximal temperature and pressure. what you're describing is just a point on the phase boundary, not the critical point.

finally, this is a graphic design forum. if you're gonna attach an image of a phase diagram don't use one that looks like total shit.

p.s. the unity of opposites u describe is retarded. you should read hegel.
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yea, cute!
thanks for trying to clarify the terms with top-paragraph-of-wikipedia level insights! - even if it doesn't change the message of my post. (usually a much more productive discussion to have?)
while quibbling about words normally is a hilarious waste of time, in the case of technical terms it is at least a fair thing to do!

you are heading in the right direction here, but what do you think
>field of math studying movement of points
even means, einstein?
modeling for the sake of shifting arbitrary points around? KEK!
you don't REALLY think those points not being able to predict physical behaviors, right??

phase transitions are about describing qualitative changes to the system.
could be a gas. or some ideologies interacting.
in any case it is about sudden global effects due to shifts in behavior of individual parts.
a term often used to describe the saddle points (bifurcationnn) between attractors is: CRITICAL POINTS! (IKR?!)

and yet! all of that doesn't influence my message in ANY way!
my banal, but visually comprehensible example is just a metaphor.
your consciousness is constantly being confronted with different affects that pull you towards these different attractors.
and it is the 'job' (!teleology!) of *you* to weigh them in order to go down the path of "maximally beneficial" bifurcations.
we are constantly surfing down the stream of bifurcation points, trying to maximize total emotional reward. (PLEASE don't start quibbling again! this not actually about surfin!)

maybe you understand it like this:
it takes a lot of force to resist the gravity of a planet you're standing on, but much less to fall towards it. if you're undecided about which one you want to live on, staying halfway between them makes sense. a small push can easily send you towards one of them.

ps: while your pretend-perfectionism about the quality of picrel surely is a totally friendly reminder, it is still big words coming from someone who doesn't even bother attaching an image ;)
yea i was just angry about other stuff and i took it out on u.

i did some further research (which maybe should've been prompted when i saw your initial reply) and it seems that dynamical systems theory as you were referring to it is a separate but related field to just the pure study of dynamical systems in math. i'm much more familiar with the latter; i've actually studied those.

that being said, the mathematical field to my knowledge does just study dynamical systems without necessarily having a scientific foundation. im not an expert in it and i can't claim to know the psychology of those who study it, but i'd wager they don't go into it to solve problems in science (a more direct route to solve science questions is to become a scientist) but just because dynamical systems are very interesting on their own. one of my professors was an expert in dynamical systems and he loved using physics as intuition for problems, but at the end of the day all of our problems were purely mathematical, with at most the wording of the problem deriving itself from physics. as feynman said (approximately), "we [physicists] don't get to tell mathematicians what to do with their time. it's up to them what they study, and their field doesn't just exist for our sake."

im sorry i was rude in my above message.

p.s. once again i have not attached a file because i can't think of a relevant image to attach. i am very pragmatic about my attachments. if there is an attachment necessary i will include it. otherwise there is no point to use up the bandwidth--though i suppose nowadays it doesn't need to be conserved.
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don't worry about it. we good, friend!

I am actually happy you pointed out my inconsistent use of the term!
my ning-nong ass simply didn't realize the confusion it can create.
you are very right about 'critical point' definitely not being an ideal choice - I can see my mistake now.

>studied dynamical systems
neat! I think it is a super interesting subject.
sounds like you learned a lot from it as well! I really dig those physics analogies because it allows me to use my visual brain.

love that feynman quote!
I think the decline in activity on the 4chan board /gd/ (Graphic Design) could be due to several factors:
1. **Shift in User Base**: Over time, online communities experience shifts in user demographics. If the core users of /gd/ have moved to other platforms or forums, it can lead to decreased activity.
2. **Platform Preferences**: Graphic designers might prefer other platforms like Reddit, Behance, or specialized forums that offer different features or a more focused community.
3. **Moderation and Quality of Discussion**: If the quality of discussions or moderation on /gd/ has declined, it could discourage active users from participating.
4. **Changes in Content**: If the content posted on /gd/ doesn't resonate with users anymore or doesn't keep up with current trends in graphic design, it could lead to decreased engagement.
5. **Competition from Other Boards**: Within 4chan itself, there are many boards catering to various interests. /gd/ might face competition from other boards that offer similar discussions but with more active communities.
6. **General Decline in 4chan Traffic**: 4chan itself has seen fluctuations in traffic and user engagement over the years. Changes in internet culture and trends can influence how popular different boards remain.
These factors combined or individually might contribute to why /gd/ on 4chan has seen a decline in activity and discussion. That's why I think
a chatgpt answer? are you kidding?!
if I want one of those I can go ask it myself.
now fuck off!
7. Too many needlessly contentious assholes with nothing of value to add but who interject their stupidity anyway.

Thanks for illustrating the point.
so your completely indispensable point was what again?
That part of why /gd/ is so dead is because of assholes like you.
nta but I would much rather have a dead board than have someone stonefaced copy and paste an ai chatbot response
I've been working, thanks for asking

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