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Looking forward to be a Freelancer Graphic Designer and Blender Artist.

I'm a 19 years old male, I decided to not attend to college because In my point of view, it's just not worthy it, paying thousands for something you can learn online. Here is my problem though, I don't know where I should start. I feel like I'm not confident enough, and I don't know many places where I could capitalize over my work.

I'm currently working at my family's business, but it's so annoying having to work with public, and being at a family's business doesn't make you feel like you are independent. Which is what I'm looking forward to be.

It's been hard since everyone tries to push me into college, because in their mind, college = easy life. And I really don't bother getting minimum wage as long, I'm doing something that I enjoy.
based. this is my path too good luck to us
>something you can learn online
NO ONE anywhere online has a years-long structured system of tutorials and exercises that are going to get you good at design - and that you are going to follow thru on.
"i dont know where i should start:"
you cant even get started, guy!!!!
your view of education is flawed. and your family's view of education (according to you) is also flawed. you want an easy life, become a lawyer or a plumber or a garbage collector. a freelance design life, college or no, is not an easy life. no clue what you are doing with your family but you are utterly fucking wrong on education.
Apparently a lot of graphic designers / coders / artists of all kinds are gonna get assfucked by AI stuff. As an artist myself this kinda worrys me.
Good point
Unrelated, but where can I find someone to draw me a logo for a personal website ? I don't need anything really professional...
Use DALL·E. It’s cheaper and probably better than what you’d get from a designer, especially from around here.
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funnily enough basically my whole process from going from self-taught to college is documented on this board, but I shared my brief experience from my first semester here >>453466 if you're interested
I don't think college is necessary, but even from a community college I've gotten quite a lot of knowledge from classes and feel like a more competent designer for it
I'm just going for a one-year certificate at the moment but I may end up going into a bachelors

if you're insistent on self-learning, I suggest the following sources
>linkedin learning (I had one class that basically leaned entirely on these courses)
>youtube (stay away from trendy bullshit, watch lectures and talks from designers that aren't hacks)
and more than anything I found just looking at good design (or not even good, but design I like) to be both a good motivator and good for inspiring work
> I don't know many places where I could capitalize over my work.
Take any offer you can get your hands on and build your portfolio, and try promoting yourself on platforms like Fiverr too.

>it's so annoying having to work with public
You will have to work on it if you are interested in being a freelancer, and own your own business one day.

>being at a family's business doesn't make you feel like you are independent.
Keep working at your family’s business for easy cashflow
You're young, learn a new skill that is in high demand and pays well. Graphic design is not something you should waste your time with, it's about to be replaced and it's a shit career that doesn't pay well. You've been warned.
>NO ONE anywhere online has a years-long structured system
No shit, because it doesn't take years. Schools have the stretch it out over multiple years so they can shovel unnecessary garbage into their curriculum so you'll take the hecking loan.

maybe college would have taught you more than what you can learn online and given you the ability and confidence to network, present work, pitch for jobs and get jobs. you'd maybe also had several years of feedback from professionals and had to work from deadlines, experience i think they call it. you didn't get that doing online courses.
tfw getting on with a graphic design college degree after graduating for graphic design in high school and doing something else for years
feels kinda hopeless rn lol. even my teachers in college allude often to the fact theres not enough jobs.. haha
why would you tell us youre a dude? who cares?
pretty stupid take. theres a shit ton to learn, let alone try to do and learning not to suck at it.
I’m currently taking classes at my local community college for an Interactive graphic design, it helps me in getting motivated since I lack self discipline, I really like the competition when you see other peers work it makes you want to do better. If you have skills and want to do it without formal schooling it can be done like Tobias Van Scheneider he never went to school and now he owns a design studio. You can start by doing work for your family business create a new logo, website, promotion flyers, build your portfolio of real life projects and then you can go from there building a landing page of works and resume creating value, Good luck bro.
Seconded. 17 years working, 21 years including school. I make $48K a year salary and most weeks I work 52 hours with no overtime. I went from entry-level, junior, senior, all the way to art director. I manage 2 designers and 5 production workers. My junior designer makes $32K a year and the other guy makes $38K after working with the company for 4 years. My day job is mostly preparing artwork for printing on promotional products. I do occasionally get to make logos, layouts, tshirt designs etc. Usually only have about 15-30 mins to work on a job like this. You have to pull creative solutions out of your house on demand and the pay is dogshit. I've created a personal side business. Most clients won't trust you enough to make the job worth your time, they'll reject your price quote unless you agree to basically work for free. Charging for graphic design can be very difficult, even the salespeople I've hired to help me sell work will exclude any service fees for my time because they can't comprehend charging for design services. If you are selling brochures, for example, they just go with the printers quote and add 20% markup. Between taxes and commissions it leaves 2-5% for you to pay yourself. If something goes wrong and you have to reprint, usually because the client gave you the wrong phone number or some other stupid shit you will lose money. If you have to buy a stock photograph or pay software subscriptions, you have to subtract that from your profit. I have found a few clients that are worth my time and pay really well but that is far from the norm. Most are not worth dealing with and some won't even pay you. I've delivered or shipped printed products and never heard from clients again. Do literally anything else.
bro - how is it you have delivered without pay?
why would you ever ever do that?
Did some one 'mke' you do that?
and while we talk turkey
what the price of a webpage these days? is a good webpage still like 30k?
a book lasts a lot longer . . .
Also worried
me? not worried.

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