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>be me
>vector artist
>working on this large advertising firm
>from a third world country (Philippines)

>be me
>draw shapes, get paid
>comfy life

>be today
>cops and swat teams and shit raided our building
>apparently our business doubles as a high end prostitution agency AND sells methamphetamine
>about 25% of our employees are complicit
>the guy who taught me how to use illustrator is literally fucking Heisenberg
>our print manager is a pimp by evening

Not terribly rare; any field where lots of money changes hands for "creative" work is ripe for money laundering or being a front like this since you are essentially making money out of thin air as opposed to making/selling tangible products with a set market value...ad agencies, art galleries/ dealers, record companies, publishing...all of them have been used this way. Recycling and auto dismantling too.

Also even where someone goes in legit, with advertising and related businesses that depend on a healthy business economy to thrive, when business takes a downturn its not uncommon for people to see dealing in drugs and other illicit activity as a lifeline to get them through a rough spot of no work...and when it pays better than the original business it's hard to walk away and go back to making signs or T Shirts or whatever.

Ironically this is one valid answer to that thread where someone asks:

>How are some people getting paid 191k and I barely get 65k a year in a large Midwest city anons
They didn't trust you enough to let you in on the good stuff. Clearly, that's what they thought of you!
This is the most intriguing story i've seen so far...
Is there a chance that some of those illegal chinese fucks involved?
Maybe I'll start writing and use your greentext as a sketch for the plot.
May I take a screenshot?
Yeah sure. nothing interesting really happened after, they released me within the afternoon so spice up your story however you want.
damn, so is the meth good?

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