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What do you think?
too much going on with absolutely no direction, composition looks entirely random
I dont even know why Im telling you this but...
the best "impressions" contain a pinch of love.
Norm MacDonald said that about Alec Baldwin's impersonation of Trump.
He claimed, and I agree, that they weren't funny (one cvould say they weren't as funny as they couldve been) because Baldwin left no humanity or person or etc in the character.
It just became "Alec Baldwin seizing up in paroxysms of unfunny hatred of his character."
So anyways after 5 or 6 or 12 stickers theres no contrast.
It's all just:
how much SHIT can I pile on making fun of this stereotype that I've now made unbelievable because even the worst trumptard is a human being) The latter of which you seem to have frgotten and it shows in your work.

I hate those fucking trucks though so I hope you do something better with the general idewa.
Also, the t-shirt memes and the (only) funniest meme that Democrats have come up with in the that last 10 years. The "truck stop t-shirts".
Oh, also, your text on the mudflaps doesn't even fit the mudflap?
you should add "i gargle white cocks for justice" if you really want to make it work

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