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To anyone who actually works in the industry, what skills do you have or are learning as a backup for the inevitable AI replacement?

Sincere thread, I asked myself this question, i currently work as a UX designer, I realize do not have many skills that could transfer to other jobs that wouldnt also be handled by AI, let alone one that would offer similar pay. It seems that learning a new skill will be my only option, if not retail.

What skills do you have? What have you been learning? Have you been able to apply your existing skills anywhere?
>what skills do you have or are learning as a backup for the inevitable AI replacement?

I already have a ton of skills I can use from running my own graphic design firm. Marketing, branding, product design, event coordination, finances ext.

For all the doomers out there: AI is mainly a marketing term used to get sales teams dicks hard. Those who use AI are instantly seen as less than those who use actual artists. If your paying to use a generative model over free stock images your really getting scammed. It's like buying your wedding ring from Temu. By the pictures and description it's a great deal, but you get what you paid for.
>For all the doomers out there: AI is mainly a marketing term used to get sales teams dicks hard

I like to believe this, and that AI can't match the skill of a real person. However after being at my current company ~5 years I realize that no one there gives a shit about design, and even often request a lesser one because it's less work. Most people aren't even aware of what the design team does, they think its just making icons.

So marketing term or not, the reality is that the people who pay me love the idea of saving some money, and already see design as low-priority. Yea it makes the sales teams dick hard, the sales team is also the one directly making money and therefore have the most weight as far as the decisions getting made.
I've seen dozens of cases where corpo's use AI and it's always considered lesser than.
> the people who pay me love the idea of saving some money, and already see design as low-priority
Exactly my point, those who use AI don't actually care about design or branding in general which eventually leads to the rot of their cooperate image. Let's say your company fires all but a few members of your design team for AI. It's instantly fucked because people who make conscious design decisions built upon actual workplace experience are replaced with a mass generalization tool.
If your unaware of just how neural networks work it just mashes existing concepts together. It doesn't "make" anything, it simply pulls from a bank of data and combines things together.

Let's say I'm a shoe company that want's a new campaign to market my luxury sneakers. If I pay design team, they will run market research tests, create new strategies to engage customers and ultimately design something that has been designed from the ground up to be unique.

Now let's fire everyone but a prompter that pushes the generate button and use AI. This system pulls from a bank of every shoe advertisement ever made and blends concepts together. See the issue? None of this is new, AI simply blended the ads of Nike, Adidas, Gucci and a dozen other brands to make the closest advertisement to the stated prompt as it can. It's a stagnant model that can only copy not create, which leads to stagnation and degradation. Without experienced human modification the system is useless.

Yes, I do see some cheap and lazy companies using AI. Perhaps one day it may become a staple of our design toolkits, however without massive leaps in technology it will never totally replace graphic design as a medium.
how u get that job?

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