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File: nekpen_osuan_mugshot.png (743 KB, 497x617)
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743 KB PNG

Fantastic can she teach design from prison?
Which intrepid fish wrap pusher will blow the lid off the vast criminal underworld lurking about within this seemingly innocuous hobby / career?
>Illegal Graphic design
I had a client who asked me to remake a VIN number once off of a destroyed door. I made a copy good enough to be scanned as the same vehicle before checking with my local DMV, who told me to ask the local police department, who then recommended I to go to my states public transit department. In the end the government needed to run a class 3 inspection on a vehicle before they would print a new tag (which as expected costs a small fortune). What's wild is no one knew and I was asked by my town to give the verdict back to local law enforcement and the DMV for future use.

It's wild how easy it was to forge tags (mid 2000-2010's) that were identical to the OG's.
>remember kids, always check before you cash an order in. Ignorance is not an excuse for breaking the law.

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