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Any suggestions for improvement?
>meaningless meme symbol
>no creative naming
>trashy typography
I suggest you to redo it
its a little "lol random" and those tiny sharps ouch
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The circle cut outs n stuff is just too much imo (and doesnt really tie in with the celtic symbol/rune thing).
The O in code looks cool though for some reason. I like it. Looks like an eye.
theres no reason to consider it either 'celtic' nor a 'rune'
>This particular style of symbols is most commonly associated with the Celtic tribes of central Europe and Britain, especially these loosely referred to as the Gaelic nations of Ireland, Wales and Scotland. It seemed to have been the most common and most important of their symbols, therefore it was found throughout Celtic society, appearing on many of their artifacts, such as on ceremonial gold cups, everyday pottery, clothing, coinage, weaponry, shields, religious items and carved into stone monuments.
>meaningless meme symbol

>In Ireland before the 5th century, in Celtic Christianity the symbol took on new meaning, as a symbol of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

>From its pre-Celtic origins, the triskele has become widespread in Celtic art and architecture. Versions are found on ancient monuments across Ireland. As Christianity spread throughout the land, the triskele was re-interpreted as a symbol of the three-in-one person of the Holy Trinity. It continues to be used as a Trinitarian Christian motif.
i accept your broad knowledge and that you may well be correct.

however the history of - lets call them weaving or figure-ground alternating decorative themes exists in multiple cultures and all ages of decorative arts. so if op says he borrowed some celtic stuff, then ok. but its not the only source nor the necessary source of such an decorative idea.

i appreciate the lesson regardless. thanks bb.
>so if op says he borrowed some celtic stuff, then ok.

OP didn't say it, someone else did

>but its not the only source nor the necessary source of such an decorative idea.

Nobody said that either, the point was that whoever said that there's "no reason" to consider it celtic ignored a huge amount of the history of that particular version of that symbol, and illogically dismisses the fact that for many people that is the primary association they will make.

Whether such an association is warranted or not or aligns with the artist's wishes is especially irrelevant in the context of a logo...its important feedback even if every person who makes that connection does so from a place of ignorance.
i disagree
you could probably find a rune out there for any logo-ish doodle. the whole dialogue is pointless imho. unless op is clt-y. peace out.
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no its not
Absoloot brayn rot
ITT: americans
didnt know it could get worse

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