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I just had a customer inquire me to design him a 32-page product catalog for his store, and a logo. He gave me detailed instructions on what he's looking for including for in a logo. His catalog will be filled with furniture similar to Williams Sonoma.

I know AI can do a lot of things nowadays. But I am wondering how much you guys would advise that I charge him as a first bid?
not enough info.
how big is their business? how good/experienced are you? what about revisions? how much time? how much freedom? how long will it take you? how reliable are you in meeting due dates? planning on working with 'em in the future again?

well, Idk. depends on the situation. pricing art (and related services) works differently.
if you ai that shit you will never see that client again

what does finishing this thing entail what is done or exists and what doesnt?

15 spreads and a cover?
Hourly rate is the best.
no. its not.

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