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File: xD-logo.png (52 KB, 2000x2000)
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>government regulators stop adobe from buying out "Figma"
>adobe exec tardrages and immediately kills off the only real competitor "xD" (which is multiplatform and also works offline)
>designers get cucked even further in the limited, strings-attached choice of proprietary software they are allowed to use

being a designer is being fucked in the ass by corporate goons

(no you can't view and edit those print documents unless you pay up for the pantone catalogue index integer table tax sorry)
*pirates ur software*
oh looks i saved thousands
Never buy adobe shit
Figma was a step up from XD and they kept improving it. Doubt they could catch up now. I remember Adobe used to charge to export pdfs from it. That's why I switched.
File: richard_stallman.jpg (23 KB, 590x366)
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i just need some program i can rely on for drawing UI, made with that kind of thing in mind

i've recently worked for a company that people have heard of and in last 5 years they have majorly moved between at least 4 saas in-browser things for making and sharing UI designs, mockups, diagrams etc. and the recent one of course being Figma

from time to time i do freelance work and i find not being able to entirely work offline or store project files locally for years and edit them without syncing to some online account insane

seeing Xd being put in "maintenance mode" sucks, meaning even a pirated version may not work in near future

it's possible to draw and store 2d vectors on a computer without sending them out to some internet server, sounds crazy and archaic right
>government regulators stop adobe from buying out "Figma"
thank FUCK!!!

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