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Give it to me straight, lads.

How is the move from Adobe to Affinity?
And how does Affinity square up with Photoshop?
Do you collab?
Are you freelancer?

What sort of clientele do you have? If you've only been submitting the PNG files then it doesn't matter what software you use. It's just a matter of relearning the UI.
Me, I usually submit the full stack with the .psd/.ai/.eps AND documentation, plus the commercial printers I work with refuse to accept anything that wasn't made in Indesign.
I'm a hobbyist. At the moment. Dicked around in GIMP with the PhotoGIMP plugin and had fun making memes and shit, but I noticed that Adobe shit the bed so maybe Affinity will get a huge boost and lots of tutorials for Affinity would be made and I'm too much of a bitch to pirate software.

So if I really sink my teeth into graphic design and consider buying software Affinity might be it.
I've been using Affinity for my personal photos for a while now, switched because Adobe software wanted a constant internet connection + I'm not paying for a subscription license.

Affinity Photo is great (beats PS at everything except AI bullshit like genfill and subjectselect) but it's a fucking memory hog at least on MacOS. Will gladly chew through multiple GB RAM with 2 RAWs open.

Affinity Designer is the best thing ever made. Even better than Illustrator. Extremely smooth transition.
never heard of it

what a weird response. png files? whos asking for png files anywhere? the fuck is a 'full stack"? what printer cares about your software if you can deliver what they can print?
i imagine any image/pixel software might groan with some big raws open until you save it as something smaller.

Can affinity designer do what indesign does?
Affinity Publisher is their Indesign alternative. The way it handles layers is far superior to Indesign, but as >>455376 said faggot printers and other design companes have stockholm syndrome.
fuk is wrong with you? never had a printer groan over getting a hi rez pdf
How seamless is exporting files from Designer > Photo > Publisher?
You have to give clients original files.

It's the same window and settings for each app. Loads of quality options and filetypes you can configure and you can save presets.
Just noticed there's a 7 week free trial. Gonna try this bitch.
ive designed and prep'ed and printed a number of books and i dont kow what youre talking about
Not saying it applied to everyone. Clients have templates / fonts / everything else all wrapped up in the Adobe ecosystem, so do printers. If you have no issues then good luck to you.
Yeah I'm from east Asia and the boomers here are really picky. I suppose someone working for the free market in the west would have a different experience. But the industry here is very standardized, conformist, and traditional.
If they had been doing X job using Y method for 20+ years, a new player coming in submitting Z for printing would be frowned upon, inf not straight up rejected.
>what printer cares about your software if you can deliver what they can print?

proper ones? We have to use Quark (cheap boss) and like 8 different steps afterwards so the printer can accept our magazine pdfs because everything is set up for indesign on their side
thats just fucking weird
what 8 steps do you need to do?

perhaps your printer ISNT a proper one?
Isn't Quark like expensive? I've always associated it with old prestige design firms, but maybe my perceptions are wrong
8 steps was a comedic hyperbole but; we need special settings .esp for the images and graphics, then use those in Quark, then export to the pages to another kind of .eps then turn them into a specific .pdf

he already bought it so it doesn't matter that id would only cost x/month, because why use a better software if he already paid for another one.

>inb4 why didn't i object
this happend before my time with the company
forgot to mention that we can't even use the 2017 version of Quark because it's a piece shit software and we have to use a 25 years old version, with a dedicated PC running Windows 95 just for this reason.
QXP 4? That's just too wild for me, but my old design firm was still using MS office 2007 until I quit in 2017, so there's that. Old people I swear
either 4 or 5. but yeah, avarage age at the company is around 50. The other editor uses Ps 6 because, even though we have a never one "he likes to do things manually".
Which translates into absolute bonkers workflows like not using masks, groups, hell the layers are just a huge unorganised mess, no naming, no logical structuring, and half of them are empty text layers because he accidentally created one.
For clarification I've also had issues with multiple rasters, even <1mb JPEGs, opening about 8 and I'm already running out of application memory.
any tutorial makers that can get me up to speed with the Affinity?

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