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File: buttons-hsl-vs-oklch.png (9 KB, 343x218)
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I'm a frontend dev and just recently found out about color spaces with "perceptually uniform lightness", like LCH or LAB. I started reading on OKLCH and how it's a 'game changer' for accessible colors and dynamic hue swaps since it just got implemented into CSS last year.

Basically, hues in RGB spaces don't have uniform brightness to the eye and if you want to say, change the hue of a blue button to yellow, you have to modify its brightness too. I was promised through all the articles I read I could just change the hue slider and perceptual brightness would remain the same on LCH, but that doesn't seem to be the case in some palettes.

Is this how it's supposed to work or what's going on? I made a quick test and the contrast variation between hues is still quite noticeable

lol bro trying to answer an aesthetic/art theoretical question with code
fuck the bloat and big slow, de-facto proprietary software. of course calculating color values this way sounds very useful for maintaining good contrast e.g. swapping accent colors in some ui toolkit without manual tweaking, but the web browser itself is a horrible out-of-happenstance contraption from software design, performance and user privacy standpoint, the w3c standards organization is basically google inc. throwing more shit at chromium. it doesn't matter what they add, i find it very difficult to be excited about anything additional that gets thrown into the infinitely long and complex web "standards" document which defines the infinite feature creep of chromium which is basically proprietary due to this complexity, making the web page renderer contrary to the original intent, a very non-open, non-portable and centralized technology. besides something more minimal that can replace a web browser, i hope platorm native, actually performant software makes a comeback and can use some of the webshitter ideas better.
wdym? isn't perceivable brightness similar in the right example???
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same birghness, same chroma, if i change hue perceivable brightness in oklch still differs in some cases, sometimes more than i was expecting. articles and videos keep selling oklch as a solution to the brightness difference present in rgb/hsl
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I don't know why zoomers want to make everything so complicated. Just use a color wheel bro
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i dont think you know what the thread is about
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gotcha! I mean it is a lot better than HSL, but yea... pretty bad according to LAB!

don't do web stuff a lot, so I am ignorant which protocols are available there.
but if you are interested in digital color science OKLAB might be interesting as well? one of the most true to eye color spaces that I know of (not that this would be worth particularly much, but eyyyyy, das life). of course regular LAB being the standard photoshop solution to these issues.

don't be ageist! they can't help the cognitive symptoms of physiological dicline.
it will happen to us as well!

don't worry!
we are just talking about something dumb like pokemon and hope to one day be as knowledgeable as you are!

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