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File: IMG_2103.jpg (411 KB, 2560x1707)
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Can anyone point me to resources for creating color separations for engraving cylinders?

Everything I search leads to graphic t-shirts and that isn’t what I’m after.
If you search "color separations for rotogravure" there's all kinds ds of "resources" from companies that specialize in making them to printers describing the important pre-press parameters for art submissions, to companies that make equipment and software to perform the various mechanical tasks involved, to general overviews of how the process works.
I can find a lot of information on the intaglio process and the mechanics of it, as well as companies that do separations and engraving, such as Rothtec. Also, software that claims it can do this automatically, but it needs to be done in Photoshop, which I know is possible.

What I’m having trouble finding is information on how to create multi-channel Photoshop files for continuous tone images for the engraving process. I believe a good bit of this work is done overseas.

The closest I can find to what I’m looking for is a process patent.


It could very well be right in front of me when I google and I’m missing it. Can you point to any links?

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