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(YOU) have 120 IQ
>>455490 (OP)
>/fit/ 131
absolute dogshit and I can say this with confidence as a /fit/poster
board is unbearable in its current state
>/3/ 127
lol, lmao even
If someone actually worked 6 months on this and it's not bait then that person is all levels of mentally unwell
>>455490 (OP)
I have interacted with people here for a while now.
believe me. we do not reach 120 iq.
we are exactly average at best. (which doesn't mean there not to be dumber boards)
>>455490 (OP)
LMAO /sci is filled with vaxxers and climate cultists, all of them retarded AF.
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>>455490 (OP)
and how exactly do you know the IQ of the people visiting the board retard?
>>455490 (OP)
how the fuck did someone even test this
you're telling me you believe this to be real?
And you deny science, the foundation of everything that is, you deny basic laws of physics, how CO2 affects the atmosphere and you put others at danger for not getting vaccinated against a potentially deadly virus.
>doesn't read the top-right part of the image
The IQ of this place has truly fallen.
Then again, it's not like 4chan to be good with UI.
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>>455490 (OP)
considering the perceived IQ of most other anons, that means I must be a mastermind for the average to be that high
>>455490 (OP)
What year was this done? I think now it's at least -20 off all those numbers.
136 last time I checked
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To understand why you're struggling with this revelation see the attached image.
same! I checked maybe 2 years ago.
but I don't really know what to make of it.
>>455490 (OP)
Me in the double digit clun
>>455490 (OP)
goddamn pride flag
>just barely above the IQ of some Balkan states
>way below the Amerimutt and most Western European scores
Couldn't have happened to a better board.
>>455490 (OP)
>147 IQ on AVERAGE
Thats some fucking bullshit right there goddam.
Either that or the people that put that together were all retarded.
>dont argue against muh graph bc...... JUST DONT DO IT OK??????
Oh. So they were just retarded. Good to know.
>Didn't read the small print at the top
There's probably some people carrying the IQ average of this board, but it probably isn't you.
>concede your point if talking to someone more intellectually privileged than yourself
As a matter of fact, (you) didn't read the small print.
>double-blind cross referenced
Not a thing.
Oh wait, its an inside joke. My mistake, my mistake.
>board they visited the most
>visited the most
Yeah, nice methodology retards, put that on your research paper and upload it to r/Scholar.
where is PW
I was about to ask the same thing
Their IQ is 92.
Pretty smart!
>>455490 (OP)
Proven fake, /pol/ is over 170 IQ (average)
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>>455490 (OP)
based and wallpaper pilled
>>455490 (OP)
>sci 141
>>455490 (OP)
>/mlp/ negligible
The anons on that board could not diverge more. Most of them are definitely in that low range, but they are ruled by an elite class of frighteningly intelligent horsefuckers.
Also, how was this test taken?
Reminder that you can't check your own IQ. You have to have a test administered by a psychologist, online tests mean nothing because they do not cover many harder categories.
My IQ is 147 btw (checked by a psychologist when I was there for a diagnosis for something else).
Also IQ is a bullshit number and completely worthless and everyone on this website is a retard including myself.
Insists IQ is bullshit but drops that they have a high one. Many such cases.
It's how I know IQ is bullshit, I barely passed highschool and am struggling through a diploma course because I can't bring myself to actually do any work.
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>>455490 (OP)
Why is this graph so shit?
>>455490 (OP)
IQ is a fake invention in which the public has believed and continues to do so. It's pseudo science. And, by the way, I post on always every board possible regularly.
Here's the secret to doing well on an IQ test: Look up what logic gates are and what they look like (AND gates, OR, XOR etc). They're designed with the assumption that you don't know what they are.
Tell me exactly how this comes up in the working memory sections.
>>455490 (OP)
It's definitely much lower now.
You have adhd, go see a psychiatrist for treatment so you don't fail college.
Probably jannies run a bot checking anons post history

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