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Hi guys what do you think of my graphic design skillz
no doubt there is some shitty local rag that will hire you
Sorry my English not good
What graphic design skills?

It's off-putting on every level, the only thing that isn't in need of fixing is the spelling...and even that is difficult to detect at a glance because the typesetting is atrocious.

It's painful to look at.
Now I'm curious. What's Tintoys The Musical? Quick googling isn't giving valid results.
> It's painful to look at.
Something tells me that’s the point. I think the illustrations are good
trash my man
did you make the assets? Theyre great.
I concur.
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it challenges some of the conventional design rules, but looks great!
very interesting! did you do the illustrations?

I am not completely sure about the typography, though. maybe it kind of adds to the whole flair, but I am not convinced.
it looks a bit haphazard and inexperienced, which you normally really want to avoid in typography!!! the many different sizes, colors, styles. the lacking regard for arrangement... it is just a lot of neglected rules of thumb at the same time - usually a big no-no! you'd have to be extremely careful and VERY deliberate with experimental typography. to a level of sophistication that this design is currently lacking.

even the weirdest designs can look amazing if the typography is on point.
as I said, I am not sure in this case. *maybe* it actually kind of works in favor of it all, but that would make it a weird outlier case anyways, the success of which you shouldn't start to rely on. personally I'd want to see a more clever version of the typography as well!
but seriously! overall looks great! don't listen to the haggard haters!
their intolerable self-hatred and ossified inner selves render them delusional, having to spit on everything that dangers their fragile little egos. they can't help it. their coping is a survival-mechanism!

>your design is more interesting than anything most of the lower IQ idiots on this board will ever be able to create. and the shallowly hostile criticism clearly demonstrates it! so don't worry about it!
its ok
it's very creative and unique. newbies on this board don't realize that it's an experienced designer that made this
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I dig it, I like weird stuff and it reminds me of old video game ads
yeah that's kind of the shit thats been fascinating me nowadays. Shit that looks haphazard and newbie ish but it's literally impossible to try and replicate.
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here's a big ass folder of retro game ads if you wanna dig through them
lots of goodies in it
These are kino. I put a few on Pinterest for inspo
its lame dude
its not even weird
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I don't think it's the most technically competent thing but it's a lot more interesting to look at than most stuff in /ddt/
if you're not going to post your own work like OP or at least an example of what you think good design is, I don't really care to argue with you
this is really good, but something tells me you already know that

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