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What political movements have the best-designed symbols?
Lefties, we also make better posters.
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none because politics are evil
go back to watching disney movies
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Absolute Monarchy.
All of these look equally gay
Nazi and soc have the best look
The demsucc one looks gay as fuck
The fascist one is overcomplicated and feels kinda lame
The communist and nazi ones are top tier
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Whichever one rustles the most jimmies.
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well, well.
lol this is awesome

is there anyway to combine a diaper full of shit and a swatika?
>thread about symbol design and aesthetics
>trannies spaz out
Nazbols, including Juche.
found the diaper full of shit and the swastika
The Nahui Ollin represents the cyclical movement of nature with respect to the four directions. The Nahui Ollin is a fundamental concept in Aztec/Mexica cosmology, a guide for everyday life and decisions. The objective is to constantly strive for balance, even when there is struggle. The Nahui Ollin uses cultural concepts representing community, knowledge, education, will power, transformation, and most importantly, self-reflection. The Nahui Ollin is composed of traditional Aztec ideologies, including the concepts of Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, and Xipe Totec. The Nahui Ollin is used as a culturally responsive method of teaching and ultimately supporting the development of harmony and balance of the mind, body, spirit, and community.
the horde...𑪞 𑪟 𑪠 𑪡 𑪢
god, that's so shit
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Mon frère
Oh yeah, the Gay New World Order flag.
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Libertarians can have amazing gd when they aren't obsessed with the Gadsden flag.

(Attached: Libertarianism.org logo)
"RACISTS FOR REFUGEES" makes it sound like you're slandering simps for mass illegal immigration as racist lol. which they are of course, but that's not what you're trying to convey.

I'm a radical anti-monarchist but you may have a point
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Resist libs are cooking unfortunately
trannies mad

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