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File: IMG_4849.png (3 KB, 336x47)
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I’ve got a 300 page kink comic to remaster and I need to get the font sets just right to preserve the authors intent.

The one on the left is straight from the comic. The one on the right is Gill Sans MT, Size 26, all bolded, second half italicized. Written in MS Paint to mimic that crunchy feel.

It’s not a match, but it’s the closest I’ve found. How would I find matches to font samples? Especially if it’s crunchy in quality
Take a screenshot of some text and run it through https://www.whatfontis.com/

If you cant find it there, try https://en.m.likefont.com/

If your text is too low resolution you can zoom in on it, screenshot, upload to vectorizer.ai, screenshot your cleaned up result and run that through those sites.
looks almost the same, you only need to make it bolder. no reason for ms paint, just make it in lower resolution in ps
Found it eventually via brute force.
It’s GillSans MT Professional Edition 2010 Heavyskin size 24 with light artifacting. Got it pixel perfect when aged just right.

Second question. Let’s say this work is black and white. Black is often used wholesale to represent brown, blue, and dark red. (Blood is solid black). I want to colorize some shit.
Only one problem. The black is the same black as the outlines. So any paint bucket or magic select fucks up everything. And my hands are too unsteady to create a new outline manually without it looking different
get someone else to help you with that teamwork makes the dream work after all thats what my goyslop tv show told me
Practice makes perfect with stroking lines and with 300 pages you'll have plenty of time to improve.
Assuming you're using Photoshop or Gimp you could also make a path along the lines and use the stroke path tool, or use a layer mask to hide the colorizing layers in the places you want to stay black.
Do you have a safe page or panel you could post for reference?

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