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File: smny0dl3xz4d1.jpg (92 KB, 750x1200)
92 KB
Instagram's new Story UI looks like it was designed by a 15 year old in 2005.
Fits the target audience and "short attention span" tendencies of everyone on social media. I agree it's not following the universal mold of great design (whatever that is) but it has consistency going for it which is nice.
its just looks like 'hey cute stickers'
cuz 'we're a fun company not a merciless corporation"
Which is exactly how it should be. Do you think that one of the biggest company in the world would release something so important without proper research before? Or do you expect them to be all Carbon Design System-y?
this looks good, actually
its a fun "here's a bilzillion options" way of doing it, jumbled up and fun/personal feeling

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