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How to generate random color palettes? Visually cohesive and interesting ones, that is.

I am not talking about tools to do it. I want to code my own tool, and I'm looking for thoughts. How would you guys approach this?

File: Wintoddler.png (45 KB, 750x506)
45 KB
I had ChatGPT build me one in a few minutes.
Care to share? I Couldn't get it to not just throw together rand() with no sense or method to come up with colors.
you should look into how pywal works and if you use that you just need randomization https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal
it uses ImageMagick but i dont know anything beyond that

It uses basic color theory. I'm sure you can improve it.
Thanks. After some fumbling around I found something that'll do for the start. I'll refine the process after the rest of the thing works.

Appreciate it, I will take a look. At a glance, it comes up with some nice palettes.

For starters I went with a fancy way of color cycling. It doesn't cover as much of a range as the reference project I want to replace, but the results are visually pleasing and fairly diverse. It's good enough for the first iteration.

the screenshot is from this site
Yes it is. It's the tool I am replacing, because the pricing has got to be the worst among SaaS I've seen. Saving 10 palettes and 5 colors before having to shell out is a joke at best.

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