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File: proxy-image (21) (2).jpg (139 KB, 720x720)
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How do you make these things? I've tried to find a piece of software that can add all the right filters and text but so far I've found nothing...
File: 1000010326_Glitch.jpg (925 KB, 1665x2048)
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If you mean taking clean images and making them appear to be corrupted digital/ video content by adding streaks, lines, bands, artifacts, color offsets, static, distortion etc. known as "glitching" you can do it a number of ways-


If you want a simple but powerful program designed specifically for doing glitch art/effects, look up Glitchlab...picrel was done with it in less than a couple of minutes
Thanks for sending me int the right direction. How about the text portion of the image?
Thanks for sending me in the right direction. What about the text portion of the image?
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Just use the appropriate typeface that mimics the kind of computer display/closed captioning/OCR typeface you want and add it to the image prior to adding the streaks and other stuff, paying attention to not distort those areas so much that they become illegible.

Picrel is a slightly condensed Atari typeface filtered in Glitchlab
why? every piece of unoriginal "muh motivation" drivel you can think of has already been uninterestingly put on a picture of an old statue with cheesy textures
vaporgram on ios or android is good

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