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File: lo-res.jpg (6.11 MB, 5161x4843)
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hello, is there any very intelligent software that can merge fur pictures of a document like this, so it can look like original? thank you
dont know
i always do it by hand. tedious
but photoshop is ok at snapping to pixels sometimes
The search term you want is "photo stitching"
thank you very much
File: edit.jpg (5.11 MB, 5118x2797)
5.11 MB
5.11 MB JPG
The overlaying is quite tricky when the parchment is moved and disturbed between scans - it deforms for each new scan.

10% overlap is necessary - the given overlap is barely enough.

Photos where you move the camera instead of the paper or its lighting is preferred to keep it consistent between stitching images.

If there's still interest - we can exchange emails.

Here's a demo -
The darkened edge on of the scan in the stitch wouldn't be an issue if the process was done properly

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