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I like the idea of zines as an easy way to get designs, photos, whatever it is you do, to print.
I just can't help but wonder, why are the majority on zine people such insufferable leftist cuck subhumans?
Someone ought to make an anti-immigrant, pro-eugenics zine.
imagining everyone else is subhuman must be a lot like imagining you are sucking Jesus's cock, isnt' it?

do you think Mein Kampf is laid out well?
>imagining everyone else is subhuman
I am not imagining anything. I know *for a fact* that men who paint their fingernails are a subhuman waste of resources.
As for Mein Kampf, it's got that nice Fraktur typeface going for it, so from a design perspective, it's pretty neat. But that can be said of any book from that era printed in Germany or Austria.
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I'm assuming you're just oblivious to zine culture if you're asking this
zines started blowing up with the punk scene which was always incredibly left-leaning, zines are basically dead nowadays (because they're fucking gay and don't serve the function they used to) so the only people actually making them are said left-leaners except they have nothing of substance to say
there are and have been plenty of nazi and right-wing zines but much like the left-leaning ones, they're fucking gay and have nothing of substance to say
also american racists have terrible taste in design so there's a 0% chance of a well-designed racist zine
Can a Zine be anything? Isn't it just a self published magazine you sell on the street corner like a middle class bum?

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