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File: y2k.png (1.12 MB, 1816x590)
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Why do Zoomers keep lumping Y2K futurism with Fruitnigger Aero? Translucent electronics were 1998-2001, not 2005-2010.
was this really worth a new thread? y2k and frutiger aero is like the only thing people here are thinking about. how many basic bitch threads do we need?

Zoomer nostalgic revisionism is real. They made up shit according to whatever pops up on their Pinterest feed/shitty art curation accounts on Twitter. Anynone who lived that period of time knows that 99% of those designs fucking suck but zoomers think they're unearthing some esoteric knowledge because they have no idea how mainstream and dominant that style was back then. Their identity is based on making washed up revivals of the late 90s/early 00s just like some of us millennials would make shit up about the 80s and early 90s.
>Translucent electronics were 1998-2001, not 2005-2010.

LOFL, what a perfect illustration of the truly mindbending lack of historical perspective at the heart of all this ridiculously narrow-focus navel gazing.

Best part is how assmad people get when you pop the tiny bubble they've crammed their heads into while pretending to be on the front lines of cultural awareness as it pertains to design.

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