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This thread is to focus and preserve graphic design work related to the failed assasination.

Please keep political commentary on /pol/ or you will ruin this thread. stay focused.
Please send anything that would be generally regarded as a meme or meme warfare to /pol/, /b/, or x.
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High quality assets.
Don't start anything with low quality JPG or you will back yourself into a corner.
I can re-render into vector as is necessary
If someone can clean up the lines this ones nice
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I'm thinking we should use a trace of Trumps actual fist to maintain ownership of the logo. Using a generic fist would be a rookie mistake because the logo would immediately be co-opted by unrelated groups.

There are a LOT of fist symbols used by left wing groups so it's not even a space we may wish to enter. But I'll deliver anyway

This is all storyboard BTW, we'll render everything properly when we're set
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Asset trace.
That looks really good. I agree with your point that to most people fist = leftism but I think if we retain a design like yours then it'll be obvious who we "support". Right now, millions of people are thinking "Trump. Clenched fist. American flag. Assassination." so we should capitalize on that. It would be hilarious if one of the left's most beloved symbols became associated with Trump.
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Yea so I want to know what cuflink Trump was wearing, I assume REP logo but I don't know. The star is a placeholder because exatly as you say it indicated who's fist it is.

I've styalized this rougly as a Q, which I'm sure someone will apreciate.
Just to be clear, I'll render whichever designs are the most relevent at the end of storyboarding
Is it possible you could add a bullet trail just before his fist? To make it seem like he caught the bullet. I think that'd be good. As well as change the blue circle to 13 stars.
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Other renderings of this might be the ear, Because that's a scar Trump will use forever now.
Within a week he'l be making phisical gestures
>you missed me
>not listening
>something in my ear
>found the bullet
That is entirely forseeable, the ear will gain significance over time where the fist might diminish
coming right up.
Can you fix that blue thing in the lower right corner though, sexy?
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So there's a bunch of ways you could render this.
I've used the cuflink as a star but you could do a straight 13 and a seperate cuflink. But my thinking here is the star is a symbol in and of itself and logos made up of symbols are trash.

You could dump the circle and just have stars, that would be fine too.
What's red/blue/white can be changed easily, MAGA stars are usually blue so I'd go blue without the curcle- but you'll find that white bordered by blue still sort of counts as a "blue" star. Just graphic design things

Maybe dump the blue shirt at that zoom level, but probably just crop it.
How bit the fist.star are in the logo is neither here nor there
>MAGA stars are usually blue so I'd go blue without the curcle- but you'll find that white bordered by blue still sort of counts as a "blue" star. Just graphic design things
So how about a bunch of blue stars on a red circle, center the star on Trump's cufflink to be in the middle of the fist. As for the rest, that can be up to your interpretation. Really all of it can be, you're the guy with the skills here. We should capitalize on the American theming though, especially with the 13 stars.
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Whoops ticked wrong box.
Just so you know, you can't publish shit that you just ripped from clipart, it's copywrited.You've got to do your own work, render your own clipart fist
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I don't really get what you mean, you want him catching a star rather than a star on the cuflink?

Thematically this might unintentionally intruduce themes of
>trump caught a state
>one state shot trump
>the "cancel" icon
Overall the logo is a Q. but if the arm crosses the center point it becomes "cancel"

The thing with logos is layering themes, not layering images.
Less images, more thematic impact is the general idea
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No, I meant that the blue star in the pic you sent isn't centered with the middle of his cufflink basically, move it towards the middle like in picrel where I drew the center line and the dot. And maybe we can lose the black outline of the circle. Refer to my shitty MS paint drawing for more
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That's where his cuff was on the actual image, I'll center it if you want but I think you'll see what I mean in that it makes the arm rotation look unatural
We'll see. I think there's a lack of visual information for the viewer, since we've simplified it so much, that changing the star won't imply an awkward change in cuff rotation. The blood is nice, drives home that point he took a bullet for the country.
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It's east to align the stars strictly, but this would tend to make the star appear "on" rather than part of the shirt.

I mean you don't have to have the cuflink as a star at all, so neither here nor there.

The black circle was doing nothing for us, good call dumpingit
Unfortunately I have to head out for the night, so I will be leaving it up to you from now. You should definitely experiment with just 13 stars in the circle around his fist, not necessarily having a star being in the cufflink. However, I do think we've got this as refined and as kino as can be. You're right in saying that earlier that
>The thing with logos is layering themes, not layering images. Less images, more thematic impact is the general idea
and I think anything more would be unnecessary clutter to an otherwise fine design.
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Sans circle.
Probably better again, more modern. You can always add the circle depending on the media you're printing on.
fuck you and your tyrant felon rapist

go to pol
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Someone's going to be selling these as Tshirts of redbubble within the week
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not a republican myself, but this looks nice.
I would go without the circle and stars in the bg (similar to a selfie ring light. also kinda resembles the EU flag)

I like how the design has visual relatedness to the wojack style and also how the simple vector trace borrows from some american state flag designs (picrel).
blood is cool but needs refinement. still a bit wonky.

hope that helps!
>the fist itself is a cute choice! reads well. would make for great stickers too.
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The blood is total shit but I'm not even bothering to align things properly at this stage.
I can't really take it more than two steps away from the very recognizable TRUMP/MAGA/2024 logo design. The stars are one of the three compositional elements of that, it has to be iterative of previous designs
Could replace them with a straight 5.
christ this is the most samefagged thread I've seen in a while
please fuck off to /pol/ or /trash/ or /bant/ or literally anywhere else
Or else what? Surely if this board is so active this thread will just slide right off
>Or else what?
nothing? it wasn't a threat you spastic it was a request
ITT: graphic design is my passion
shit thread
ok so what? If it's just random words meaningless, this thread better go away
kek the seething

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