HI /gd/, what do you think of said logo. your suggestions are honest;ly really appreciated. thanks in advance
>>456548yep youre right too weak
>>456593Unbalanced af
yeahi think leaving letters out of the name aint the best idea unless youre david carson
>>456546You have to put the H unless you're giving Jack Sparrow his peg leg from "Arvey" installations. It also looks bland and unnoticeable, adding a lot of detail will make you stand out and make you look less "corporate." You do NOT wanna give people the impression that you're a Microsoft engineer when you're installing someone's sink. This could also use some "installation" themes imaging to indicate what type of service you're offering. >like a toolbox
>>456546Your logo looks like how this guy might sound when he's saying his own name as he rapes some preteen Hollywood type