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File: dark-choc-03.jpg (68 KB, 1024x576)
68 KB
I'm trying to darken the colour of the ice cream to convincingly look more like dark chocolate ice cream (refer to next post) but my attempts at messing around with the hue/saturation options have been subpar. The ice cream just ends up blatantly looking like I've edited it in Photoshop.

What's a better way of doing this?
File: dark-choc-04.jpg (357 KB, 1638x2048)
357 KB
357 KB JPG
For reference, this is the colour I want.
have you tried editing it in photoshop?
File: darker.png (535 KB, 1428x1271)
535 KB
535 KB PNG
File: file.png (536 KB, 1024x576)
536 KB
536 KB PNG

Here's a real man's job, OP.
File: shreker.png (386 KB, 682x682)
386 KB
386 KB PNG

Here's a true man's job, OP.
OP here. Thanks. That looks much better than my attempt.
File: pinker and harder.png (371 KB, 918x918)
371 KB
371 KB PNG

Here's a real man's cock, OP.
zach here. Thanks, man.
more like ballzach, amiriteeeeeeee
absolute madman

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