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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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File: 1703659407031735.png (3.03 MB, 2324x1715)
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3.03 MB PNG
im trying to re-create the design/aesthethics/ui feel of this gacha game called Zenless Zone Zero

anyone knows what terms should i search for to get shit like it?
>zzz ui elements
>zzz ui design
>zzz ui assets
>zzz visual elements
i started with all these shits but as you can see its a game, so searching for "elements" or "design" dont really show what i want but the actual ingame characters and elements instead.

i wanted to search if the game assets were datamined and somehow someone pull it all up from the game and posted it, but it seems harder than just searching for similar design aspects of it.
any websites other deviantart/pixiv to quickly see designs like it?

ps. by elements/design, i mean everything from the bg, to overlays, to everything that make up the design.
File: Metal-Gear-Solid-1.jpg (87 KB, 1024x768)
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The design is jank. Either it was done by someone too inept to bother with making sure all the lines are straight and/or tiles line up, or they purposefully chose to have uneven lines in an attempt at a "grunge" aesthetic. They also either were trying to be grunge, again, with random font changes or they thought it looked KEWL and ineptly added them in for no real reason. Then they made it too clean and shiny, which defeats the purpose of grunge, so I'm saying it's probably really just inept UI because they expected you to be distracted by waifu boobs. There's a halfhearted attempt to a military aesthetic as well. Overall, I would say it's like a drunk teenager who is scared to be "too dark" tried to ape Metal Gear's PlayStation era.

So fake something military-ish, and half-ass your borders, add dithering, and put a little circle awkwardly in a corner because a rivet is too hardcore for you. That should basically do it.
Just search for grunge, torn paper, dithering, halftone textures and apply them to the image.

For the border effects, play with Photoshop's Layer Styles (window that opens when you double click a layer).

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