I mean this gold thing. Tried to recreate it with photoshop liquify but thats just not it.
>>456872tiny piclikely just "drawn" on some drawing program>>456890software aint taste nor talent
>>456892>>456893yeswe know you made some shit in blender. whoopie.try responding on topic and shilling a bit less.
>>456904OMG THERES LOTS OF SOFTWARE, DR. UNDERAGE, THAT CAN DO LOTS OF STUFFFFFF!im partial to rhino and grasshopperfor what op asked, a drawing program is likly best.do you have anything useful to add?
>>456906ffs ill mnake on in like 10 miniutes PS
nah thats not it, source image looks majestic, the one in blender looks like retarded cousin
>>456908yeahi know you can make shiny fluid surfaces rendered IN ANY FUCKING MODELLING SOFTWARE OF WHICH THERE IS A LONG LISTno shitbut if you look at op pic relatdthe 'surfaces' dont really have any coherent UV and also the background looks more painted than procedural in any fashion.we know you like blender. now fuck off.
Sounds like a job for AI.
>>456872I would do it with Liquify in Photoshop. It can be done but you have to vary brush sizes, pressuresThen add colors (highlights / shadows) on top of that layer, liquify those, lower opacity as neededIt will take lots of time if you want those tiny fine line details. Might even need to pull in the smudge tool
>>456872>>456891>>456903>>456906>>456912>>456919Consider killing yourselfTo death
>>457278u first!
Looks pretty cool
>>456872here's what you do, first drop the image into and ai chat bot and ask it to describe the image. Then take that description and edit it how you feel and drop it into an AI image creator, wallah.
>>456872Looks more like a turbulent displace localized rather than a liquify product
>>458770Premiere or after eff3cts?