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File: zr2abv229ly41.jpg (11 KB, 434x245)
11 KB
>can you make it "pop"?
>it lacks a bit of... character
>but how would it look like for colorblind people? You see my mother in law...
>don't forget about the bleed margins ok? I read about it in google last night
>can you do our gothic noir minimalist boho branding? Make it professional and robust
>is it centered? I don't think it's centered
tfw you thought you were a creator but ACKCHYUALLY sought a career in a service industry.

Next up: wedding DJs whose encyclopedic knowledge of available music and how to arrange it into a killer set is ignored in favor of what clients want in the order and timing they want it.
maybe you did
If you had studied harder in school, you wouldn't be having this problem now, because you wouldn't have become a designer.
>cant center

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