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>no entry level jobs
>no intermediate level jobs
>no jobs whatsoever actually

How am I supposed to navigate this shit
try flipping burgers idk
Find a different job
fool, you're supposed to make your own work
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what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
fuck this gay ass industry man
You think YOU’VE got it bad? I’m a copywriter! Four months laid off and counting. :’(
no industry connections = its basically over for you

the industry was already oversaturated before and ai isnt making employment easier either.

2 options

1. Freelance - use this guide (for copywriting but applicable to graphic design)


2. Make digital products - use this guide

I would recommend using number 1 to fund number 2.
How did he drive traffic to the website in 2.
I'm currently 17 years old and I'm thinking about studying graphic design for pleasure, and I really think about the job opportunity and sometimes it worries me because I don't want to have a complicated life, I want to live comfortably.

So far I only found 3 ways to look for a job.
1st is the internet, opening commissions, doing propaganda, advertising my brand.
2nd is helping engineers or just putting a place, you know, real shit that makes you always get out of bed at the same time.
3rd: It is the crudest so to speak because there is no progress as such, but only that it is depending on a company.

Anyway, I'm still a minor and I have time to think about it exactly, they're just simple predictions, maybe I'll do very well.
dont do it, im studying computer science now after doing an associates degree course on graphic design and honestly fuck the industry and fuck having connections and shit if you are someone that doesnt talk to anyone unless needed to like me ur pretty fucked
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Look at this fucking loser—he tattooed the company's logo on his forehead just to get an internship. What a slave!
Why is it lowkey cute tho
dumb foid
artistic endeavors are not comfortable career paths. you have to be likeable, charismatic, sociable, but most importantly lucky.

its not impossible, because I've worked with many different companies and businesses of all sizes doing what i'd rather dub as "digital design" because graphic design is only 1 small aspect of what i really do. but i was also extremely lucky, and scored gigs in places most people don't know about because most people can't socialize through the noise.

regardless, it is not very profitable by itself and in order to be profitable you will either have to be a slave to someone else or be a slave to the game of advertising and networking and pretty much never resting until you get some big break. which really shouldn't be a problem if you love the craft enough, but if even a small part of you thinks "this might not be for me" then it probably isn't, because that's not a thought that enters peoples minds that are retarded enough to make it their life (me)
if you're young get another career, graphic design is almost over.

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