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I fucking hate this piece of shit so much.
Fuck anyone that uses it. Absolute faggot ass shit.
It's so unintuitive, clunky, old and retarded. And mind you I'm using the OFFICIAL LATEST PAYED VERSION.
it crashes a lot
its imperfect

but i love illustrator
Literally Hitler.
cracked 64 bit version says otherwise

wish something better, but ok
this is shrimply false
I also hated illustrator as I grew up only using photoshop but once you learn how to use it, illustrator clears photoshop by a large margin
The workflow is outdated in comparison to something like Affinity Deigner. It's still the only tool with 100% vector brushes and vector filters though.
thats not really how photoshop and illustrator go, anon. they arent even in the same lane.
I'm assuming it's someone who uses photoshop and is switching to illustrator because that's the path most people I know followed
yeah i could see that, but still they are for entirely different purposes, etc etc
>I'm assuming it's someone who uses photoshop
You are correct. Photoshop is so much more intuitive, has more options and is more comfortable to use.
Can't you just use PS for everything?
jesus christ of course not
photoshop is explicitly made to be a pixel pushing image treatment software. thats it.

it is no more intuitive or less intuitive to use than anything else.

illustrator is no more intuitive or less intuitive than anything else.

>has more options
the fuck kid? options for what doing shit other softwar isnt tryng to do?

enjoy video editing and making laser cutting diagrams in photoshop i guess lol
see faggot, I was literally right to say that
lol no
>lol no
he literally said that he was a photoshop user you braindead rat
post a single piece of your work, I dare you
pretty funny you calling other people brain dead. i get hard copy proofs from the printer next week. maybe ill post the book, lol.
Where's the best place to download an old free version I can use on Win11? I haven't pirated shit in forever.
master suite cs6 i think, calvin and hobbes.... fucking old but still out there... or find a newer mastersuite. ive seen some, but am content with this. not really up on the current scene.miss demonoid.
yeah I bet, retard
I'll be waiting
well, you have to wait. DHL scheduled for next friday.
got the proof early. most of it is pretty cool, but there's a font here and there that feel a bit large. but that was the plan from the start, so i got what i tried to do. Interesting how much bigger things seem once you arent looking at just a screen. good lesson. not my first book, but the first ive done start to finish on my own. overall, pretty damn happy about it. and no, not doxing myself, thanks bb.

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