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File: yeah.png (1.86 MB, 949x948)
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tried my hand at it in audacity, then did some extra work in PS. what do y'all think?
it's illegible
well, its not very bent and it looks like an angry incel being mad they made something no one else can read.
I think it looks very cool anon. Were you just using audacity for the initial steps?
yes. this is the correct answer
yep! took each databend a step at a time until i felt satisfied with it. even used a .bmp to fuck with the different rgbs, even though i then just put red layer over it all on PS
Looks pretty cool!
File: 2024-07-02_17.46.01.png (150 KB, 320x240)
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cool stuff, anon. i love this kind of stuff.

if you don't know about it, i would look into slow-scan television and throw that into your arsenal. you can get some really interesting -- and controllable! -- effects by taking an image, converting it to audio, then playing it back through a microphone or running it through audio effects before playing.
File: flou.png (227 KB, 720x480)
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227 KB PNG
(cont. from last reply)

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