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File: circuito equivalente.png (105 KB, 384x318)
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105 KB PNG
Is there a way to vectorize bad quality images?
I'm a physics student and I don't know much about art design. I often find myself having to redo images as pic related in circuitlab or whatever cause I have to make a presentation (in this case about photodiodes) and the books where I have to get the graph are all blured. It's even worse when I have to use a image or a certain plot, cause in that case to reproduce the function to get a pretty plot is not as easy. Is there a way with AI or whatever to get a svg from a bad quality image like pic related?
Use Inkscape and create them from scratch. They even have a circuit symbol library so it would be just drag and drop.
Illustrator can do this, but might be crap in crap out and cleaning up ugly vectors is no fun.

perhaps a light version of cad? if youre a student buy student version of rhino and profit forever.
seconded using inkscape. if this is for a report or document, consider using latex with tikz.

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