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Does anyone want to design merch for Duolicious? I'll shill your designs and give you 100% of the profits for the first few months.

I know I could use AI, or Fiverr, or Dribbble, or other stuff like that for designs. But all the AI tools I've tried seem hesitant to emulate even the innocuous facets of Twitch culture, let alone 4chan. And I doubt it'll make designs that work well for embroidery, badges, and anything which isn't a direct-to-garment print. Fiverr's work quality is trash and no one replies on Dribbble.

If you're interested, could you post ITT and/or email your portfolio to admin@duolicious.app?
Nice try FBI.
i dont make trash
but fuck it
who are you?
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>who are you?
I made the dating app mentioned on this Know Your Meme article:


>i dont make trash
That's good, because I have exacting requirements!

Duolicious' current landing page looks like pic related. The current branding consists of:

1) a pair of 8-bit style pixel hearts
2) the word "Duolicious" in the Trueno Bold typeface
3) The color #7700FF as the primary color, and black and white as secondary colors

/a/ and /v/ are the boards which use Duolicious the most. Anime, manga, and gaming are among the most popular interests users have. "Chronically online" users are targeted in Duolicious' app store listings.

Your style of artistry would ideally align with Duolicious current users and branding.

Another thing I'd really like is a mascot. Someone in the /soc/ threads on Duolicious is fond of bunnies, so that could be a good idea for a mascot. Whatever it is, it just needs to be cute. It could also be a pair of mascots, given that it's a dating app.
oh good that sounds like some Satre inspired hellscape
Sounds interesting!
Are you still looking? I’d love to workshop the mascot thing too if it’s not too late
One anon has their designs listed so far, but you can have yours listed too.

As a disclaimer, be warned that only one person bought anything despite the store being operational for the past few weeks. I even tried directing traffic to it with some 4chan ads. It's not turning out to be very lucrative. I've been looking into big website's merch stores, and it turns out that merch stores in general aren't a good way to earn money. Wikipedia's merch store only attracts about 0.004% of the traffic Wikipedia does. Know Your Meme's merch store also only receives a small fraction of the main site's traffic.
I'm not a business guy but I don't think anyone is buying dating app merch, doubly so for 4chan dating app merch
if you're looking for something that people might actually buy without being too costly to produce, your best bet is probably gonna be like stickers or pins
small stuff that people don't feel like puts a sign on them that says "I use dating apps btw :)"
>small stuff that people don't feel like puts a sign on them that says "I use dating apps btw :)"
None of the 39 items I have listed so far says that, except for pic related. The items are mostly dumb meme shirts.
With all due respect- I agree with >>457540, couldn't care less about the app and would violently resist meeting anyone who might use it, but I just had to say that that shirt is funny AF.
if they all say duolicious, then they all say "I use dating apps btw :)"
as far as stickers/pins I mean subtle, power-level hiding stuff
even a sticker of the 2 heart logo by itself is something I legitimately think people would buy
the meme shirts are funny sure but who is actually gonna wear those? at best maybe an unfunny instagram influencer that wants to look edgy
>if they all say duolicious, then they all say "I use dating apps btw :)"
That's the only one that says Duolicious

>even a sticker of the 2 heart logo by itself is something I legitimately think people would buy
We've got that in the store. Pic related is the only item anyone's bought so far. It's the same sort of thing you're talking about

Some of the more subtle designs in the store were the ones the anon from /gd/ made. I agree that more of those are needed

>the meme shirts are funny sure but who is actually gonna wear those?
I'd never wear them either, but they're popular on Etsy for some reason. Maybe people are buying them as prank gifts

>at best maybe an unfunny instagram influencer that wants to look edgy
That'd be really good marketing. Duolicious went viral around May largely because a handsome Twitch/TikTok influencer reviewed the app
>That'd be really good marketing.
if that's an angle you want to play, it honestly shouldn't be too hard
look for ig fashion models in the lower 4-digit to like maybe 20k~ followers range and offer them the shirt + some monetary amount to make a post with it
that route may open you up more properly to the meme shirt route but as it stands it's just that duolicious is pretty niche so it's a hard sell
If the purpose of your garments is to garner publicity, you need it to be beautiful, otherwise only cringelords wear memes in public. Except for this one, they're all mostly ugly and this one doesn't even have a readable "call to action" anywhere on it. If you want to generate money from it, then there you should follow different paths—that is the product itself. But as it is designed right now, no heteronormative person will touch it. This leaves you with a bunch of mentally ill women and a plethora of desperate weebs.
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>only cringelords
>a bunch of mentally ill women and a plethora of desperate weebs

Did you completely miss the part about it being a 4Chan -centric dating app?

Quoting OP:
>/a/ and /v/ are the boards which use Duolicious the most. Anime, manga, and gaming are among the most popular interests users have. "Chronically online" users are targeted in Duolicious' app store listings.

The feedback in the Know Your Meme entry makes clear that the user base is exactly the people you are suggesting he try not to appeal to (pic related).

Once again, someone on /gd/ offering commercial art advice that betrays an almost complete lack of even the most basic marketing awareness like "know your audience".

Catchall MOA VD
How did I miss anything, since I precisely described your demographic in one line? Or do you actually believe that autists would not prefer a good looking product over what you have now? It seems that you became overly defensive when several people pointed out the glaring obvious. But let me ask you this: why are you trying to market it like a generic sales machine? Why are you applying traditional marketing tactics to a bunch of anti-social, anti-consumerists? Why did you try to shift gears from chan-culture to broad market in an attempt to bring in normies last summer? Was it not your intention to grow it beyond what it is now, i.e. a sausage fest? Why do you look for influencers to increase your audience when that is the opposite of what you claim to be—a closed ingroup of neurodivergents? It seems that you are the one who lacking any experience in managing and growing digital products by selling merch (lmao), and some don't have the name on it, as if someone can guess what brand it represents.

Oh, and by the way, congrats on spreading trans cancer even more.
Nta but you're delusional if you think those people are going to buy merch; they're already on Duolicious almost explicitly because they're too autistic for normal dating apps or they are attention-starved whores. The former will not wear them because they are already conscious of their appearance to begin with an wearing a shirt advertising a social reject dating platform will only be worse. The latter will not wear them unless they are exceptionally fashionable because they need IG validation. You're really confident for a retard.
I'm not the anon you replied to lol

>Why are you applying traditional marketing tactics to a bunch of anti-social, anti-consumerists?
I'm actually not picky about who buys the shirts or if the shirts serve to market Duolicious. I just need money to advertise to new users, and I don't want to sell subscriptions in the dating app itself because I feel a bit like I'm preying on users' loneliness.

>Why did you try to shift gears from chan-culture to broad market in an attempt to bring in normies last summer?
I get this a lot. About 200k thousand people signed up within a few weeks. It costs big dating apps about a dollar to acquire a user. So your belief is basically that some random anon on 4chan spent $200k to market a completely free dating app to racists on Twitter. Doesn't it seem more plausible that people just posted about Duolicious on the internet cuz "le heckin femcels"?

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