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File: Flag_of_Nepal_New.png (27 KB, 900x600)
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What do you think?
>>458516 (OP)
I have no idea about nepal history, culture, nor flags in general.
but I like it! looks nice!
it gets my seal of approval
t. anon
>>458516 (OP)
what's wrong with the original one?
people don't like the shape because it triggers their autism
>>458516 (OP)
it already has an "actual" flag
original is cooler
>>458516 (OP)
It's really good and would look awesome as their rectangular flag!
>>458516 (OP)
Sure, let's erase at least 2 centuries of history because a couple reddit faggots get mad that the flag does not have 4 angles.
What about you go shit on the swiss square flag? Go take a shit on El Salvador flag and its 189:325 ratio. Change the ratio of the USA flag (10:19 ratio is used only in 3 other countries).
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When I was in El Salvador it was common to see the civil version of the flag flying upside down because they were so illiterate they couldn't even tell if the letters were right side up, let alone read them. Same with the popular " Ace" brand beer; the label was an image of the playing card and you'd regularly get bottles where someone who didn't know which way the other lettering went would just guess and get it wrong.
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125 KB JPG
The current flag of Nepal is better in that regard. You can have the most ignorant illiterate unschooled nepalese and the flag shape would still be the cue so the flag is not upside down ever...

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