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File: bLXiCaV.jpg (56 KB, 583x655)
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Looking for stuff similar to this.
>>459320 (OP)
Fucked as in they show how fucked you are if you don't heed them, or fucked as in the artwork/design/manufacturing quality is shitty ?(your example is arguably all three)

If it's the latter, beware of dog/ guard dog on duty signs are a treasure trove of bad clip art, often stolen from other signs using methods of copying that make each generation vastly worse.
File: 81V3xXiKGDL.jpg (268 KB, 1500x1500)
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The dog cries out in pain as he bites you
This dog appears to have just gone on a Tony Montana style cocaine binge
File: 1370433.jpg (245 KB, 1201x1800)
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Beware: this dog will bite you as soon as he's done with his dental checkup.
This is an inch away from vorefaggotry.
this one's always been my fav because it's a state requirement or something. why they don't just kill declared dangerous dogs is beyond me
Took this off some scrapped machinery at work. Now it's my desk ornament.
Oops, didn't mean to post an uncropped screencap..

I love this one as well, even if it's not in the spirit of the thread. If you removed the red it could be the symbol of some machine cult.
I'd say that one definitely fits, it's poorly drawn (wtf is up with the hub radius?), poorly printed and mostly incomprehensible...that hand shape normally means "stop" or "stay back" so with the slash I guess it means that signaling to stop or avoid the spoked device with the wonky hub is prohibited?

Or is it even a device? The "hub" part also looks like a child's drawing of a cloud with rays of sunshine radiating from it, so maybe it's a warning about impending spiritual activity and how you should not tell the angels or returning messiah to "talk to the hand".
Regardless, as a former screenprinter the quality of every aspect of that label from drafting to color/ink selection to final execution makes me wince. Well done.
It's on a hydraulic hose crimping machine so I think it's supposed to say "don't stick your hand in the crimping part". Your points remain valid though!

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