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File: hq720.jpg (65 KB, 686x386)
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Probably not the most appropriate place for this question but I am looking for a gift for person with art degree background who wants to venture (try out) tattoo design.

The person is not using a pc or ipads/galaxytabs

What would be the best digital sketchbook/epaper for doodling beginners with solid styluses. Price range up to 500 buckaroonees or even cheaper with no additional caveats like OS that cant be upgraded.

It looks like the market is oversaturated with crap but I see no inclination to buy sn ipad pro for 2k
>>459463 (OP)
tattoo design is just drawing outlines and basically drafting.
>>459463 (OP)
people at >>>/ic/ would help you better, I think.
>>459463 (OP)
Your best bet is something like Samsung S6 Lite 2024 or S9 FE or S9 FE+. You can use some Wacom styli with them btw if you need it girthier than S-pen. Lenovo is still incapable of making styli that don't suck, otherwise I'd gotten Lenovo already.

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