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While I'm waiting for another thread...

This thread is dedicated to the art of lovemaking between women by having mutual contact of their vaginas. ITT there is an emphasis on it being rough.

Squirters are particularly welcome.

Also gives me an excuse to finally getting around to getting updated on JAV related vids
Aren't you supposed to post 3?
Effing dudes always ruining shit.
god thread
scissor me timbers!
Bumping again
Just imagine how wet and slippery they are (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
arianna vs brianna vs crianna vs drianna when?
Virgin here. Wouldnt this position be viable as a straight couple? the woman would just rub up against the guys pubis bone while having his cock in her.
Yup, it'll get her close to orgasm if your stroke game is right and her clit is sensitive enough but you probably don't wanna rub over and over like you see the women doing, it'd hurt her eventually.
I like the idea of tribadism but I never really get off to videos of it, they almsot always just looks like women shaking.
Sometime you get closeup but they have shitty angles, and as usual a good porn position probably doesn't actually feel good or even works.
There's 2 clips in this thread of women squirting from the act though.
Every relationship has one person who is lazy and another who does all the work.
The idea of two pussies rubbing against one another and getting more and more wet essentially interchanging each other's juices is hot af but still hilarious how they probably have an easier time getting off to this than vaginal sex with dudes.
My fantasy is to slide my dick inbetween them after they've been going for a while, but that would require an extra long dick to physically work how I want it.
Yes, you're exactly right. And there are vibrating cock rings that make the orgasm even better and easier to achieve for women who can get off via this method.
Apologies that File should read Niamh Velvet x Arabella Mia
Please tell me there's more of this.
Pissing and orgasms are not the same thing.
Well the woman in the vid seemed to be at least squirting I doubt that was pissing. The notion of being able to squirt separately from an orgasm is consistant with what I hear though. A woman might squirt without an orgasm and vice versa.

As for anyone else reading, normally the fluid of a woman's fluids that are released from when she squirts is pretty clear in compared to the yellow fluids of urine. You can read up on some ideas here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/544c5686-e3bc-4ac2-b4ca-f91eccefe441
File: Bree Boo x Abby Ellison.webm (3.51 MB, 1920x1080)
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If they get off to this easier then they get off to men.
Then they're just dykes. And no man can make a genetically fucked up lesbian woman nut from sex as hard as a woman can.
Because...she wired wrong upstairs and that makes her have a broken cunt.
More like this with close ups showing the vag
>porn whores making stupid mouth noises
don't worry, the women you couldn't make cum aren't broken. you're just bad at sex
the acting is really poor, it's the same sounds as if they're getting rounded by a dick kek. some of the pussies aren't even driving properly but they're still moaning like they're getting stimulated kek
This thread reminded me of an old video of 2 eastern european girls where one basically forces herself on the other and they trib for dominance. Anyone know the name of it?
>the acting is really poor, it's the same sounds as if they're getting rounded by a dick kek
Actually, the moaning most likely is as pleasurable as it sounds since the majority of the vids result in orgasms (some may be fake). Though you have a point because both men and women can have sex and achieve orgasm without moaning at all let alone being loud about it. There's even a few clips in this thread where they are being quite rough and there's barely any moaning.
>some of the pussies aren't even driving properly but they're still moaning like they're getting stimulated kek
You should know that the clit and labia/vulva can swell up when a woman is aroused sexually. A number of women really don't have to insert anything ala dick to get themselves stimulated for pleasure all the time especially in that state. That is because they are *very* sensitive. You can check out this medical lit that describes the physiology behind the sensitivity I'm referring to https://www.fondazionegraziottin.org/ew/ew_articolo/1590%20porst%20-%20anatomy%20physiology.pdf and start from page 18 or just skip to the summary on page 19 written just before the conclusion. Or better yet ask any woman.
>aren't even driving properly
As mentioned already, if a woman is aroused then she already has hightened sensitvity, she will be very receptive to anything pleasurable. Some women can be seen just tapping their labia with their fingers when swollen because they find it pleasurable. From that it's not hard to imagine 2 women tapping their labias on each other for mutual pleasure.
In this vid I'm posting, I would say the couple are barely making any vaginal contact and they don't appear to be in sync either and of course a lot of moaning, the kind you'd expect from penetration... yet this clearly results in squirting.
It would be better if you point out the vids that the statement you made applies to. But either way my point stands
usually tribbing works best when missionary (picrel), and only when both have sensitive clits. some women enjoy penetration more, it’s all relative. usually all the scissoring shit and them moaning like they enjoy it is fake, you’d get a muscle cramp before you get an orgasm lol

t. dyke
>inb4 tits or gtfo
u wouldn’t want to see my flat chest anyways
They get off to this easier because it’s easier to cum via clitoral stimulation than just penetration. If you want to make a woman cum from penetration alone, you need to hit the g spot, the a spot and seduce them with foreplay beforehand. Rubbing her clit alone skips all that BS.

It’s basic biology. Men are just women who developed the Y-chromosome. Before that everyone is a woman with clit aka a XX-chromosome fetus. But once you develop the Y-chromosome and become a dude your clit grows into a full formed penis. Rubbing a woman’s clit is the same jacking off your dick. Why do you think only 25% of women reported to orgasm when having sex with their husbands? So many men just stick it in for 5 minutes, no foreplay, some don’t have dicks long enough to hit the a-spot, and then they fuck off once they cum. If you watch genuine amateur lesbo porn between a real couple you see almost everything is just clit play.
forgot I can’t post pics on gif lol. well, see >>27370713 and >>27369776 for actual reference. these 2 women are making love (i’d know because Megan Rose is an actual queer wlw sexworker who posts vids with her gf)

the rest ITT are just making porn.

this anon is right, except some lesbians do enjoy getting fucked. like i said everything is relative, women are not a monolith in enjoying sex. like strap-ons and double dildos exist lol
>Men are just women who developed the Y-chromosome. Before that everyone is a woman with clit aka a XX-chromosome fetus.
I think I know what you mean but I do not think this is the correct framing of chromosome distribution. Chromosomes come in pairs from each parent, I'm pretty sure the chromosomes that determine sex i.e XX/XY is fixed and so XX doesn't become XY.
>But once you develop the Y-chromosome
Again I think I know what you mean but the Y chromosome is not something that is "developed" from a fetus or even at the point of conception. I read an explanation of chromosomes being DNA (information) that is within the nucleus of a cell. The cells that contain the chromosomes are the sperm and the egg. They are already there at that point.
>and become a dude your clit grows into a full formed penis.
Right, I think you are referring to "genital tubercle". Are there really circles calling this a clit? It would be the first I'm hearing of it. I think the genital tubercle is considered "unisex" genitals because all embryos have it.
C'mon now, you don't need to be so dismissive. Just so you (and everyone else) know, >>27338004 >>27374140 >>27381526 >>27397678 have it on record that they are/were women in an actual committed relationship. >>27338968 Might be, if not they are at least close friends and the same seems to be the case with >>27347769 now I'm just guessing that last one.
doesn't it depend on how sensitive the woman happens to be at the time?
Why is it impossible to just enjoy a thread of women fucking? Are we that autistic or starved for attention, ITS ACTUAL WOMEN FUCKING ACTUAL WOMEN, just shut up & enjoy this 4chan unicorn.
>frame moves down
a crime against humanity
This thread is clearly showing us that people get aroused, amazed, curious, skeptical and critical of this particular homosexual act between women and even contrasting the pornographic depiction of it with the more ordinary experience. It is natural to discuss. Meanwhile there's still plenty of clips to see and hopefully more to come, so no need to be so pessimistic.
Besides if >>27395735 didn't make the comment I'm not sure if I would have even posted the clip I did in the first place. And if would have done, it would have been much much later down the line.
As OP of this thread, I welcome any and all comments! So if you still have complaints to post, then I'm fine with that too but please also include a vid to share on this thread of rough tribadism and tribadism leading to orgasms.
>Why do you think only 25% of women reported to orgasm when having sex with their husbands? So many men just stick it in for 5 minutes, no foreplay, some don’t have dicks long enough to hit the a-spot, and then they fuck off once they cum.
and all they had to do was rub her clit a little bit while fucking.
Keep this bread alive
This is the 11th squirter webm for anyone keeping count. Worth noting both of them squirted in the full vid but only Dainty Wilder did so during tribbing segment.
A quick recap of the others ITT
Check the filename. Didn't upload that myself but found this
Last post messed up and I didn't notice.
Thread has reached 11 squirter webms. Recap ITT:
>>27331817 included a smaller clip that was cut to get it in better quality. You can see Abby's fluids drip off Jacqueline's right knee on 00:16.
>>27367511 It's quick and sleak; Serene Siren let's out a load on Milana Ricci (sorry for typo in filename) on 00:21 mark
>>27378400 seen on 00:45 where Yoloschnitzel dripping. I wouldn't have noticed if she did not make a comment about it in one of her posts.

Check the filename. >>27419797 was meant for you that includes a link.
Link to this please?
Cause I'm genuinely curious as to why women are reporting less ssexual satisfaction now then they did 50+ yearss ago when it was more frowned upon.

Is it birth control and the propoganda of the sexual revolution causing women to subconsciously sabotage themselves sexually or what.
you linked to the wrong post
I can only speak for myself, but I can get myself there no matter how sensitive I am to begin with. As long as I'm on top and rubbing my clit on something hard, I can cum. Look up female humping masturbation videos for more info. There's a bunch of videos of women humping the corners of desks and whatnot.
The clit is like the tip of the penis in terms of sensitivity if you're uncut
If you're cut you're fucked because the constant contact with underwear killed your tip sensitivity
this thread is great
I'm not the post you replied to but I think the question raised about sensitvity was concerning men and women trying the position in the OP and also the effectiveness of stimulation from vibrating cockrings in said position.
>As long as I'm on top and rubbing my clit on something hard, I can cum.
But you didn't really confirm if you are able to orgasm the way you want by rubbing your clit aginst a man in this sex position.
That post you replied to started from a question that originally asked whether a similar type of position which includes vaginal penetration (that a woman can orgasm from I guess) would be achievable with a straight couple. (There was a mention of rubbing the "pubis" so the asker might particularly be comparing the scissors shown in 00:39-00:45 of clip in OP).
Do you mind confirming if you are able to rub your clit against a man in the spider/spider web/crab walk position and give some insight?:
Or even the variation that this website is calling "The lunge":
>Look up female humping masturbation videos for more info. There's a bunch of videos of women humping the corners of desks and whatnot.
Even though there are women who do it because it's gratifying, I don't see how watching their masturbation videos of them humping against a variety of things helps in answering the question since it has little to do with sex positions. Let alone the general pinciple behind women's orgasms being depndent on sensitivity or not. Sure, they may be able to get off but this doesn't clarify if they have to be sensitive or not to have an orgasm in the first place.
>Do you mind confirming if you are able to rub your clit against a man in the spider/spider web/crab walk position and give some insight?:
>Or even the variation that this website is calling "The lunge":
I've never tried either position; they look fun, and I would be able to get some clitoral stimulation, but I wouldn't be able to orgasm in them. The position that works for me is more like "the slide" in the kama sutra, except with my legs apart. The one that would work best for me in this thread is >>27409095, or in OP around 0:20, if I were the girl on top in both videos.
As far as whether orgasms are dependent on sensitivity, I'm not entirely sure. I would think that women like me for whom these positions work are LESS sensitive, since we need more pressure and rubbing on a larger surface area than women who can simply flick the bean. I think it's more about knowing your body and what works for you very intimately.
I can't link directly to the position, but what I mean by "the slide" is depicted in this article (#10): https://www.netmums.com/life/100-kamasutra-sex-positions
My gf wants to have a threesome, i want to taste the mix of vag juices.
because some retarded insecure moid derailed the thread with their usual
>heh, I bet their faking it. women need DICKS (specifically mine) to orgasm and cum!!!11!
cant enjoy my gooning in peace in every single wlw thread with retards like these around. glad some posters above me put him in his place.
So, from the few (hopefully not trannies) biofems ITT, scissoring is fake, missionary rubbing is real? Okay glad to know 90% of this thread is fake acting then kek.
>So, from the few (hopefully not trannies) biofems ITT, scissoring is fake, missionary rubbing is real?
Question sounds rhetorical but I'm still going to say no, not at all. Actually, only one of those posts was about rubbing in missionary between women (>>27401431). When they contrasted only 2 of the videos as making love in comparison to the rest of them being just porn, that sounded like criticisim to me. They didn't call scissoring fake though, they just said that missionary is best.
The other 2 posts were mainly of someone confirming if they could rub their clit against a man for an orgasm during penetration and whether or not they need to be sensitive enough to orgasm in the first place. (The answers are yes they can do it when they are doing the variation of missionary called "The Slide" and no sensitivity does not matter, they will orgasm regardless.) They however said that the spider position (which can be a similar position to scissoring), even though it may provide some clit stimulation while a man is penetrating them, they will not be able to orgasm. Kind of inconsitent with the whole "as long as I'm on top and rubbing my clit on something hard" statement but I digress. Anyway they admitted they hadn't tried and it was not about scissoring in the first place.
>Okay glad to know 90% of this thread is fake acting then kek.
This thread is about rough tribadism which is not for vids like >>27408384. Deep thrusting scissoring movements are even done by real life couples like the one I'm posting and they even claim scissoring is their favourite activity. Also it's already been confirmed there's many videos with squirting, only 1 of them wasn't from scissoring and to top it off there's other real life couples posted already ITT.
You see even the vids >>27434144 picked out for reference were not missionary. >>27370713 is cowgirl, the exact same position done here >>27366517. The other >>27369776 is scissoring. You clearly overlooked that part.

To any dudes who happen to be involved in making videos like this, know that you all sound like sick cows. The only purpose you have is to hold the fucking camera. No one wants your commentary. No one wants to see you slap the girls' asses. No one watches lesbian porn because they want to see a dude. Shut the fuck up.
Need more of them
can u last long enough for both of them?
consider practicing kegels. girls should too, for reasons
I've been looking for a clip that I saw on one of these threads a while back where the two women start tribbing in missionary and one makes a comment like "I can't believe this is gonna make me cum" and then proceeds to have an intense orgasm. seems very genuine, like both are having a great time. anyone know what I'm talking about?
Here you go
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Was thinking to take some viagra to make sure.
try natural stuff. pomegranate juice is very good, for women as well
I didn't read any other post iit just happen to stumble on yours. From this alone I can tell you are incredibly pathetic and you will never be a woman.
Wtf is this autism? Yes tribbing is done for men to visually enjoy lmao
>Wtf is this autism?
Not sure what point you are trying to make. My OP pretty much estsablished that squirting will be included ITT and since there's around 80 vids now with not even a 1/4 including squirting, I'm sure that some will find it helpful to check which posts have it. I didn't expect it on this board but there's many who don't think women can find scissoring pleasurable let alone tribadism as a whole. So this index also allows them to verify it empirically for themselves.
>Yes tribbing is done for men to visually enjoy lmao
Maybe for vids to some extend but that was more so in the past and even then women were able to enjoy those vids just like men have enjoyed them. Today almost all tribbing vids are a product to sell and many customers are male which the industry is willing to cater to. On the other hand more and more vids are made on the maker's terms since it is more easier than ever to sell outside the industry and some makers don't even make any income from it at all i.e no onlyfans, fansly, patreon etc. So even if your post was bait it really is not possible to seriously think that tribbing wont happen in vids that aren't random sextapes that have nothing to do with men and didn't have them in mind for when the vid was recorded.
Next time please include a tribbing vid to share when you comment. Squirt vids can be tricky to find so you don't need to wory if it has any of that. Here is one though that I'm posting just for you as a bonus.
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never let this thread die
Stfu retard
kek, nice fake sex thread.

dont like it? fuck off
Love the age gap here.
I can buy the lie for a nut but this is wrong, they ain't even trying lol
cheap led lights...
I wish we had more lesbian porn that features a fat girl giving it to a 10/10 way out of her league. I know there's porn of ugly fat men fucking hot chicks, why not the lesbian version?
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>kek, nice fake sex thread.
Probably bait but for anyone else reading
>>27397678 post for dicussing female orgasm authenticity and general female arousal
>>27419970 post is list of squirter vids + 1 other squirter vid posted after here >>27457835
Note that the last 10 posts include vids from 4 real couples and this post includes the 5th couple to make 11 posts in a row.
In every scene I have seen invovling Mary Moody, her orgasms give off the same energy. She even did her signature rolling eyes too. So in that post it looks like an average orgasm of hers to me. Jessica Starling is an interesting one, she is quite vocal/talkative during sex compared to her masturbation videos. Even her early amateur stuff with her partner she would act like this. Still, she moans and groans during orgasm and can be quite loud about it in her masturbation vids.
But don't just take my word for it both of them have a range of masturbation vids on PH. They also both squirt and you will see that their orgasms, strange as it may seem, are basically like this all the time even when they are squirting.
Out of the other woman featured in this thread those 2 were probably near the top of the list of the worst possible to accuse of faking their orgasms. They are pushed hard in the industry today leading on from their previous work they did on webcam so there is a strong case documented on their orgasms as well as Mary Moody still currently getting involved in doing a lot of cam work.
I'm just going to say now that in future for the people who are commenting on orgasms, you should actually check if the performer has ever had a real orgasm caught on camera first before you start assuming they are faking it.
squirting is pissing
>I wish we had more lesbian porn that features a fat girl
There is quite an extensive number of lesbian vids that feature performers with contrasting sizes up to SBBW. Though it isn't pushed in the mainstream that hard. But the tribadism aspect, from what I have seen, mainly involve real life couples and often times it is strictly amateur, probably because they don't have the confidence to work in the industry and fear negative feedback from consumers if they did. I don't pay too much attention but off the top of my head Naejae did a vid involving tribbing with Paris Love a little while ago which wasn't amateur and Angel Summer was tribbing with Jessica Starling in the collab they did fairly recently so maybe the situation is improving gradually.
>giving it to a 10/10 way out of her league.
This sounds interesting if you were saying this as a female, but very undermining if you were saying this as a male. There's women like Jaydynn Stone who may be hard to pass as undersirable because her fanbase would never see it like that, any other women like Rubie Hellia or Leila Lewis, it's the same story. But this is more the case for male fans and at the end of the day queer, femboy and non-binary lesbians typically attract more women than men so men and women may have different ideas of what a undesirable woman is when they fantasize about it in porn.
So common lesbian ideals being overlooked when a man would rather project their own standards for porn is what makes it undermining.
>I know there's porn of ugly fat men fucking hot chicks, why not the lesbian version?
Setting heterosexual male standards aside, the demand simply isn't there. I've seen a fair amount of lez femme dom with rape but a contrast of the performers was never based on unrealistic couples having sex. The best I've seen is "bullying/revenge" themes and they are quite frequent. If you really do care, there's always customs performers are willing to accept payment for.
>Was thinking to take some viagra
Don't, take Cialis (tadalafil - the generic version is a LOT cheaper and is literally exactly the same). It's miles better than Viagra, lasts three days, and the side effects are much lesser. Don't drink alcohol on it.

You want my real advice, though, don't get into threesomes, not if you love your GF. Nine times out of ten they fuck things up down the road and honestly they're hot in theory but ultimately not worth the hassle in practice.
God I need to know who the blonde is here... That's not Lola Rose, right?
It is but usually heterosexual couples fall for the "only penetration is sex" meme
I really screwed up here. So neither of the women there is Lola Rose, I meant to say Jameliz. I didn't know who the other woman was at the time but I did a quick search and learned that it's Demi Dior (demidiorxo).
I did intend to post Lola at some point, well here she is I guess. Funnily enough the other woman Lillieshaww has seemingly gone AWOL. Maybe has another name but idk.
This is beautiful.
Troon reddit pseudoscience btfo. I'm so sick of this "penises are just clits" and "we all started as women" bullshit.
i do like it fagfuck its just annoying when its super fake
just slightly bumping against eachother does nothing and these chicks arent exactly actors
>its just annoying when its super fake
You should point out an example for us to know what you're referring to.
>just slightly bumping against eachother does nothing
But it does. I don't expect that to be the case for all women but it generally does. I already explained this thoroughly here >>27397678 and included a vid of women that are "just slightly bumping against each other" verify it for yourself. Was that you I was responding to?
Rather than just posting your annoyance ITT I ask that you please next time include a vid of some rough tribadism or a tribadsm orgasm when you post, especially when you're posting your annoyances ITT.
only quality video in the thead.
Watch amateur on pornhub then. There’s tons of women filming themselves tribbing for their own pleasure.

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