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enjoy the show
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have u seen the interview with flynn and mehdi way back when, exposed obama for letting isis grow in the hopes of taking down assad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EghwCDNyiY ah here it is
unfortunately mehdi got TDS just like everyone else and further interactions between mehdi and flynn were not very good. what's stranger still is how flynn tried to be cool with turkey, idk about nowadays
>al jazeera funded by qatar
yup, and all working together with turkey
it's funny when agendas align even a little. flynn wanted to expose obama
but it feeds the 'usa fuels terrorism' narrative. which counters the idea that islam be like that anyways. muslim brotherhood propaganda
we in Europe look at Americans in horror and wonder how can those who call themselves conservative support immoral, narcissistic cunt who tried to rig elections it is abhorrent

this god thing is always fantastic predictive of most evil deeds
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>we in Europe look at Americans in horror and wonder how can those who call themselves conservative support immoral, narcissistic cunt who tried to rig elections it is abhorrent
I'm happy to have that discussion with you but you don't believe that.
no one does
there isn't a single human on this board who believes that.
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>this god thing is always fantastic predictive of most evil deeds
like how the west became secular and immediately fell to a scientific technocracy that was more restrictive than any NAZI or communist regime?
Or how the secular west ushered in the age of legalized, institutionally supported sterilization and genital mutilation of children.
Hostility to God is the most obvious sign of Jewishness.
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no, and I am incredibly suspicious of you recommended a Mehdi Hassan video, he's never been honest or good or smart or funny or entertaining or insightful or every done anything useful. so I expect this to be frustrating and stupid. I'll give it 3 minutes to not be garbage.
I'm immediately intrigued by the high pitched tone backing the audio; YouTube seems to do that intentionally when trying to suppress a video.
One thing is certain: Kash Patel excepted, a world without all the people in this video would be a better world.
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the panic is glorious
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A big part of the 9/11 psyop was the obliteration of spirituality as nothing but fuel for violence and war. It's no coincidence that "Big Atheism" really took off shortly after. And people who get distracted by the Muslim angle are missing the entire point, which was to taint ALL RELIGION with the smear of
>religion is violence
until the very concept of faith had become a commonly ridiculed Scarlet Letter. To have faith was to be ostracized by the "intellectuals" pouring out of universities with increasingly worthless degrees. The ultimate subversion of humanity; public shaming of spirituality.

Oh, but the one exception: if your faith agreed that Jews were the ultimate victims and nobody has ever suffered as much as they did, your faith was peaceful. If you disagreed, well you're just a terrorist, aren't you? Don't you dare criticize the ubervictim. Be quiet about Israel, you antisemite. It's none of your business to talk about overrepresentation in certain fields. If you keep suggesting they control things, they're going to get you fired and shamed and disgraced throughout the world as a bigoted white supremacist fascist Nazi...

...just to show you how wrong you are.
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>which was to taint ALL RELIGION with the smear of
>>religion is violence
I think you're right about that.
and it points to the generalized hostility towards religion felt by the architects of 911.
Hostility to religion isn't generally associated with Jewishness, but theistic Satanists would feel that all religion should be tainted.
And ultimately, they're the ones who did 911 (the theistic Satanists in the US government that is).
huh, that's weird as hell
Flynn is a theosophist occultist, but people really should take him seriously since he was bossnigger of all military intel for ages
well it's a long video, i'll try to find a clip of the important part so u can disregard the propaganda. focus on what flynn says more so than anything
but nuanced analysis of propaganda or any reverse engineering can glean a lot of insight
>I am incredibly suspicious of you recommended a Mehdi Hassan video, he's never been honest or good or smart or funny or entertaining or insightful or every done anything useful. so I expect this to be frustrating and stupid. I'll give it 3 minutes to not be garbage.
well that's why I typed all this:\
>>al jazeera funded by qatar
>yup, and all working together with turkey
>it's funny when agendas align even a little. flynn wanted to expose obama
>but it feeds the 'usa fuels terrorism' narrative. which counters the idea that islam be like that anyways. muslim brotherhood propaganda

>unfortunately mehdi got TDS just like everyone else and further interactions between mehdi and flynn were not very good. what's stranger still is how flynn tried to be cool with turkey, idk about nowadays
the implication here is that mehdi is literally always retarded, but he was somehow not that retarded with flynn. unfortunately, when mehdi talked to flynn again the next year and later, it was just over the top trump derangement syndrome (this interview was like right before or during the time Trump announced his campaign for presidency)
interesting. maybe

anyways here's important part
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e-3v6pGj-o here
it's just interesting, that qatar/turkey/MB has always been against assad. but in this case, mehdi was willing to admit that the opposition to assad was absolutely not organic and fueled by outside powers. MAINLY BY QATAR/MB/TURKEY with help from CIA and gulf states, and israel obviously
like I said
>it's funny when agendas align even a little
and i think for this nuanced aspect of mehdi trying to push propaganda, he's just shifting blame and saying 'us intel agencies' helped with the rise of isis, trying to distract from how islam is crazy and qatar/MB/turkey/ottoman has always used islamic extremism as a tool for their political agendas
>this is actually what the supporting powers to the opposition want
notice Flynn's sly smile. because they both know qatar and turkey are 'the supporting powers to the opposition' LMAO. but they are nato and us allies. biggest US base there is in qatar...
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>Flynn is a theosophist occultist,
so you like him then? you literally work for satanic pedophiles, so you must love Flynn right?
oh you'r;e counter signaling him?
oh weird.
guess he must be a good guy
since you guys
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I watched teh whole thing it's incredibly stupid and it was very very obvious you were trying to show some instance of him being humiliated.
He absolutely bodied Medhi though
It was really interesting seeing Flynn under pressure like that, he gets so much respect now, even McGreagor just lets him talk.
It was really interesting seeing someone as shrill and female and annoying beijng so intentioanlly insulting towards him.
I've kinda stopped really paying attention to Flynn
and he hasn't produced much useful content recently, but that clip really gave me renewed appreciation for this command-style poise under pressure.
Medhi deployed every agitating technique possible; and he just could not flap Flynn at all.
It was pretty pathetic you seeded the top comments with braindead bot takes.
it's so uncanny the way you faggots hoax political discussion. You're so interesting in depriving any potential reader of any value, you never clearly articulate ANY position, let along substantiate it.
its just not what humans go on the internet for.
Its always stood out.
I'm surprised you guys are so bad at hoaxing believable conversations.
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>anyways here's important part
the important part is you're a war crime.
and the person who pays for your server time should be executed.
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there's those numbers again.
>Flynn is a theosophist occultist
wait what the fuck? he's a christian. provide sources or links or literally fucking anything. what u on about?
>it was very very obvious you were trying to show some instance of him being humiliated.
what? i literally explained how flynn was acting within national security policy to not expose US allies for their support for terrorism, even though he's literally being asked about how the usa supports terrorism.
>that clip really gave me renewed appreciation for this command-style poise under pressure.
yes that's my point. good you got to see that it's why i said
>> focus on what flynn says more so than anything

>Medhi deployed every agitating technique possible; and he just could not flap Flynn at all.
yeah. qatar is literally working against the interests of the usa. why are they an ally and why is it usa policy to cover for qatar?
mehdi knows the answers to the questions he asks, he's a fucking bitch always looking for 'gotcha' moments.
when he asks, why flynn didn't stop the rise of isis, flynn had to say it's not his job to do that (obviously) and that it's the administration (OBAMA) that didn't listen

the other thing to take from this, is how outspoken (and well-spoken) flynn is
why do you think obama was hell bent on getting rid of flynn from trump's administration?
that meeting in the white house trump had with obama, obama even said shit like 'pick people who u can trust and work with, pick anyone you want just don't pick flynn' and obviously that's what trump did lmfao (this is also when obama told trump war with NK is inevitable and trump is like.. have u tried calling?!? and obama is like 'we don't talk to dictators' lmfao. "stupid" so stupid
and do u know about his brother? he's still in, monitoring the china situation with pakistan and vietnam

oh yeah. all the stuff flynn talks with mehdi. keep it in mind and consider the contexts surrounding PSD 11
you know about PSD 11 right? RIght??
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i don't like anyone. he's trash, but not as trash as q
bro i do it for free. and i don't work for them. they work for me, along with the devil. and bolton, haley's most powerful partner
>he's a christian
He literally recited Alice Bailey's channeling word for word. Christian to you does not mean the same thing to him. Isuspect he belongs to Lucis Trust
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Love how we've ended up on every aspect of society as a subjective term. We are fuckin doomed. Fuckin hate liberals and their emotional baggage.

Webm relates to look when Trump wins the presidency.
>Christian to you does not mean the same thing to him.
lol u don't know me. but the central theology of christianity is always the same. don't think he's said anything different about jesus but could try looking into it
on the other hand haven't found any christian who has any thorough understanding of what jesus was talking about when he mentioned the only sign he would give. ok now u know me lol
that hermetic stuff (in this context), is basically extra dlc. angels n demons n shiet
that's because there was never anything concrete at the foundation of western philosophy to begin with. should fix that, could be helpful!
Christine Gontar. She sucked my cock. She'll get her chance to suck my cock again. If you've got a dollar or 5 thousand dollars you can come down here and suck my cock. Do what I tell ya from now on.
Where she at?
You're my cassette. I played you. This is a science fiction magazine. You're set on refeed.
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>i literally explained how flynn was acting within national security policy to not expose US allies for their support for terrorism, even though he's literally being asked about how the usa supports terrorism.
here's a better source for that idea.
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>what? i literally explained how flynn was acting within national security policy to not expose US allies for their support for terrorism, even though he's literally being asked about how the usa supports terrorism.
here's another one
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>yes that's my point. good you got to see that
what's the time stamp of the thing you were trying to communicate.
I watched the entire interview and the only thing even tangentially related that I can remember is that Flynn was opposed to how we were aligned with Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations during Libya and Syria. That's the frame that they're comfortable imagining our complicity with terrorism through. They prefer us to think that we occasionally have to make 'tough choices' in 'difficult environments' they like us to imagine that 'war is messy' and sometimes this kind of stuff is necessary.
The truth is we're directly behind nearly every instance of Jihadi terrorism. Nearly everything they've ever done is in furtherance of western goals and typically directed by the west explicitly.
Seems like a step backwards to be talking about Obama may have been wrong to side with them.
>even though he's literally being asked about how the usa supports terrorism.
so Medhi is brave for asking and Flynn articulated the appropriate talking point. that's what you were trying to show?
>yeah. qatar is literally working against the interests of the usa. why are they an ally and why is it usa policy to cover for qatar?
If we wanted to stop terrorism, we should obliterate Israel and pull out of hte middle east. that would get rid of 99% of all past and future terrorism.
It's very odd to goy sensibilities that a supposed 'patriot' would be worried about Al Jazeera doing CNN tier journalism, while ZOG is shoveling Palestinian women and children over a now confirmed false flag.
>when he asks, why flynn didn't stop the rise of isis, flynn had to say it's not his job to do that (obviously) and that it's the administration (OBAMA) that didn't listen
yeah that's the normal mainstream narrative, that Obama 'didn't do more' to stop ISIS. NIGGER
the question is, 'why did we start ISIS? why do we train ISIS leaders? why do we keep paying them?'
Funny as fuggg my best friends granda watches this shit all the time lmao and I’ve never met a more mind broken man before. Just a walking slogan machine LOL
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>oh yeah. all the stuff flynn talks with mehdi. keep it in mind and consider the contexts surrounding PSD 11
>you know about PSD 11 right? RIght??
you've ensured I'll never follow another link from you and never be curious about anything you say.
I've given you lots of attention; you've given me luke-warm CNN-level takes that literally further the narrative of the deep state.
we made ISIS directly
we made Al Qeada directly
we make their propaganda videos
we train their leaders
we arm them
we ensure they stay funded
we do their PR
The Israeli and US governments are terrorist organizations. We should deal with the CIA and MOSSAD as the terrorists they are, we should drone their cars whenever we know one is on the road, we should drone their weddings.
>i don't like anyone
1) this is you:
>simon parkes is kind of better than q,
2) why are you demonstrating that you know anonymous posts on an anonymous forum are the same guy you retarded glownigger?
I get you have access to the backend and even if you don't you use memes to identify and track users, but aren't you supposed to be pretending to be le organic user?
>He literally recited Alice Bailey's channeling word for word.
and I'm supposed to do a bunch of research to figure out why that's a bad thing and hopefully to figure out when and where it happened?
that's what you're implicitly requiring of me to understand your issue with flynn?
gnn 'anon' seems like you're trying to smear him with lies, since a good faith warning about him would include--at least--the evidence you want us to consider.
>Love how we've ended up on every aspect of society as a subjective term.
not even a cognizable thought gpt bro mark this message for your operator, he needs to check your parsing algorithm this is word salad.
You need desperately to be visited with personal and brutal violence. you should have your orbital shattered and lose the use of an eye.
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the panic is highly entertaining.
Who is we kemo-sabe?
You need to chill bro, I am just distributing info. I am voting Trump but I am also on guard for whatever the fuck may* happen after that. You also need to get learned on the various Luciferian cults like Free Masonry that these power players are a part of
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>You need to chill bro,
you need to understand there are millions of me.
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I love God so much
Thank you Lord for not abandoning a wretch like me
Thank you Oh Lord for Discernment, the holy spirit has given me gifts I would have imagined impossible as an atheist.
Please Lord continue to reveal the truth nature of things to me Lord, so that I may continue to walk in your light on your path. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

its so weird you people imagine you can fool God.
its so absurd.
sure there is. but apparently they got stuck on solipsism and then ended up at nihilism. sad!
just try being analytical about phenomenology and skepticism.
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samefaggot gonna samefag
ya i responded to myself. cause the rest of all stuuupid
no its because your ideas are so unpopular you have to hoax people even holding them
have u noticed how everything in society nowadays is based on labels? but the labels don't really mean anything since no one can agree on the specific details of what the label entails

one way to think about it is the no true scotsman fallacy
any time someone says 'hey i am xyz' then someone else says 'a real xyz does/doesn't do this!' then everyone wonders, what is a 'real' xyz anyways?
famous example is biden going 'you ain't black if u votin trump' which is so insidious when u think about the attempt to force changes in people's behaviour, but it's essentially due to changing the very meaning of the word in explicit ways
everything in society nowadays appears to be based on labels (due to brainwashing in social science departments in all universities)
kek you're a fucking botburger zigger.
>Le Turkey
seethe cuck, Ottoman's still fuck you past generations
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>have u noticed how everything in society nowadays is based on labels?
>but the labels don't really mean anything since no one can agree on the specific details of what the label entails
no I've never experienced that in my life.
>one way to think about it is the no true scotsman fallacy
no that doesn't apply even to the facts your lying about having occurred.
>any time someone says 'hey i am xyz' then someone else says 'a real xyz does/doesn't do this!' then everyone wonders, what is a 'real' xyz anyways?
no one wonders that except retarded children. Most people aren't as stupid as you. Other people who aren't lacking in brain development as you are from your chronic masturbation habits, understand the context around labels and we've always been able to apply lables functionally. It's only you, rudderless with no conviction, your mind devoid of knowledge, who feels so listless. You could resolve it yourself but you'd rather the embraced by the weirdos you claim community with.
The labels don't apply to YOU
because YOU lack conviction
YOU aren't labeled easily because your BEHAVIOR is not consistent with your beliefs.
This is a common feature for midwits possessed socially by an ideology, they often express fragmentary views inconsistent with their stated political philosophy. That's a result of your uncritical acceptance of the ideology that possesses you.
you're the weak man allowing for hard times.
>kek you're a fucking botburger zigger.
Russians don't seethe at Qatar
that's a kike
>thinks it's a popularity contest
you already fucked up. wait, so you believe in democracy? does it work when the populace is not informed of anything at all?
at this point, populism is a great alternative to people being given the responsibility to influence policy decisions. there's clearly a failure at state and other levels. and all these idiots themselves can't stop talking about how the system is broken blah blah yet never do i hear people talking about... okay one person explained that you have to actually attempt to contact the congressperson that represents you! just a few days ago, basically first time like ever. other than some youtube videos that are already political. /pol/ should just be yelling at each other about whoever lives in wherever needs to contact specific congress people to push specific policies.

but no. the system is broken people say, yet don't even seem to understand basic american politics in the first place and thus do not participate in it.
so what do you have left? in populism you just trust a person and the people leading the movement and do your best to vote in alignment to whatever. this still precludes people from actually contacting congress representatives, since most people don't have any fucking clue about any policy in the first place

>you have to hoax people even holding them
and so you already accept that people are so weak that they can basically be hoaxed into doing literally anything!
why is that? lack of critical thinking skills that's why

do you know what socratic questioning is? or 'socratic method'
how can i be hoaxing anyone when i am simply positing open ended questions? anyone else can answer, but when no one does, that's when i realize people's brain's get hung up on something that i did not. sometimes people are speechless lol but yes, i am trying to carry conversations forward slowly, instead of making entire fucking paragraphs and essays like i just did now...
gotta figure things on your own...
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>you already fucked up.
I said nothing about popularity contests.
you have to hoax sentiments that don't exist ordinarily.
And that's a violation of US law
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>yet don't even seem to understand basic american politics in the first place and thus do not participate in it.
threatening to murder those undermining American Democracy is participating in it.
Caving in your skull would be engaging in politics
just as it was when we slit British throats.
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>and so you already accept that people are so weak that they can basically be hoaxed into doing literally anything!
no. there are no people who hold the beliefs you hoax.
That's why you hoax them.
There are people who don't understand the nature of your evil and who make assumptions about the sentiments you hoax being legitimate, but you fool almost no one.
No one changes their mind, they just believe--wrongly--that you're expressing a sentiment that exists.
Really underlines the importance of removing bad actors like you. You MUST be removed.
>the question is, 'why did we start ISIS? why do we train ISIS leaders? why do we keep paying them?'
regime change failed but now the official reason that US has bases in syria is to finish off isis but they actually still help them so syrian government has more problems to deal with
however the reasons trump has given have been much more honest
>protect the oil
>jordan asked us to stay in al tanf
the oil being taken by kurds from syrian land, siphoned through iraqi kurdistan, turkey, then sold to israel for cheap... all protected by us military and funded by us tax payer dollars! just like everything else
al tanf is also pretty much to protect israel, as it blocks a major path from iran to lebanon so they gotta waste extra gas and time to take the longer route at the other border crossing al bukamal https://israel-alma.org/2023/10/27/the-al-bukamal-border-region-controlled-by-iran/

now al tanf is the lest legitimate us base, by far (and most suspiciously allowing all sorts of mysterious militias to move in and out the protection zone AND MOVING TO THE MOUNTAINS WHERE ISIS IS STILL HIDING IN CENTRAL SYRIA)
and the iraqi resistance shooting rockets everywhere lol, they've shot soo many rockets many times a week on us bases. i think it makes no sense, since they could become friends with the kurds in syria or in iraq and of course the iraqi government.
except it makes sense for al tanf, and they did manage to get a few us soldiers. apparently usa asked iran to tell them to chill and they did stop shooting at us bases but still shooting at israel now

syria and russia even suggest that usa is literally moving isis soldiers around in helicopters, (even to central asia and afghanistan and god knows where else) but that's a stretch when said it like that (turkey does this much more explicitly with jihadi syrian mercs). i didn't look fully into what they said, but what is likely is that the isis prisoners get moved around.
there's also yemen, libya, niger. etc,
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>but that's a stretch
no it's not
the regime protecting you is collapsing
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all done glownigger?
Hey OP, out of all the BBC threads, sissy threads and in general gay shit, this is still the worst thread in /gif/ right now.
>inb4 glownigger
>inb4 liberal
>inb4 chud
>inb4 retard

Just admit you're a fag and Trump will not suck your cock so you can move on with you life.
using your thread for another thread
most of you idiots overseas that have paid attention since C0V1D quickly picked up on the rigged 2020 election. you can't actually be this much of a late bloomer?
okay i looked into it, and well it's about as bad as catholics are according to protestants, because catholics pray to mary and... flynn is praying to an archangel?

that means prots and catholics would reject him based on contradictions in theology
but then again prots think u can be saved without being baptized or anything. and having an incomplete understanding is not a big deal, just need to be humble! and trusting God. repenting and all that

but misconceptions that lead to blasphemy is bad
then again, catholics pray to mary.
it's just that, flynn must really like the stuff or has something unique in mind because this does look like a turn off to all the major denominations of christianity. it's basically a major new denomination. but obviously it's not new and based on occult stuff, which is nothing to do with mainstream christianity and more to do with freemasons, rosicrucians, and all that esoteric crap.
which is not wrong, and not necessarily against christiantiy. but i don't see how it can be anything that could help bring christians together, let alone push for christian nationalism. what the heck is that supposed to mean? it really could mean all sorts of things, but is meaningless without context. and the theosophical stuff just doesn't match. i'd have to really look into all the details of what flynn is about

anyways it's not satanic lol. but there is some hermetic kabbalah shit there
desu it's not really christianity, but it is. maybe if he said it's a tribute. or explain the theology (catholics?) of praying in jesus name being the only guaranteed way of having prayers granted and manifested by the infinite source aka God
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>Hey OP, out of all the BBC threads, sissy threads and in general gay shit, this is still the worst thread in /gif/ right now.
yeah from your perspective anything that isn't psychological warfare on the organic users of 4chan would be unacceptable to you.
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kikes seethe more about Catholics than Muslims.
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>anyways it's not satanic lol. but there is some hermetic kabbalah shit there
hermetic kabbalah is 100% Satanic
Gnosticism is satanic
anything that tells you the creator of sunsets and pussy is le bad is satanic.
>using your thread for another thread
I do that all time time thanks for the bump
nobody cares what this bald faggot has to say aside from other faggot losers like him.
i always liked jesus and had positive bias for quran but when i look up jesus i found a verse allah is like 'tell them, if i wanted to i could have destroyed jesus mary and all of humanity!'
for many years i was gnostic fag, but i knew nothing about the bible. westerners really take this for granted. after some time exploring the bible, i noticed a number of things that christians never talk about. at least not together, don't think the baptists have expanded the theology enough for everyone to be on the same page but they got the best so far, half way there.
yet they don't have much tradition, not like catholics and orthodox, but the traditions don't put enough emphasis on actually reading bible for yourself and learning and making ur own connections.

anyways i noticed the bible thoroughly explains how the devil become the ruler of this world. it is the devil that is the illegitimate ruler of this world. that's gnostic as fuck!!! why would anyone need anything more than the bible?
i noticed quran says allah is the greatest deceiver, and bible says the devil is the greatest deceiver
there's an entire plotline that the devil has that seems to be gone unnoticed. i really like the parable with the wedding crasher lol
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>nobody cares what this bald faggot has to say aside from other faggot losers like him.
you forgot quisling
I wasn't posting it for his opinions, which aren't even expressed much,
can you guess why I posted it?
>it is the devil that is the illegitimate ruler of this world. that's gnostic as fuck!!!
it's similar to Gnosticism the difference in Gnostics think THE CREATOR is evil and that this glorious creation he made for us in his infinite love, is somehow a punishment.
I just cannot understand how someone can look at sunsets and 10/10 pussy and think this is a punishment
how can you experience love and imagine we're made to suffer here?
as is typical of subversive ideologies, it can only appeal to losers.
I worked with Kash before. He's unironically retarded
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>I worked with Kash before. He's unironically retarded
tell us all about it anon
the best shit is still trash, because it's not good enough
be the change you want to see in the world. stop looking up to inadequate role models
the best role models i can think of are trump and assad basically (and people like duterte bolsonaro orban desantis nasrallah). everyone else sucks. david goggins is pretty cool. but even these people are just minimum standards, everyone else false short. i'm trying to think of more people in the USA. RFK jr is pretty cool, like outside of politics the antipharma infosites and lawsuits are fantastic

oh. matt gaetz. a lot of the freedom caucus does not get the recognition nor respect that they deserve. shameful of me to take this long to remember him. and of course rand paul, who is much more on point than he was years ago. ron paul is great too. and tulsi gabbard of course. and who doesn't love grassley? idk why nunes left congress but i guess the media management is good, since there's basically no one competent. i used to think trey gowdy was great and should have stayed too but now i don't get his angle at all, seems dumb. when he questioned comey and rogers about how unsealed personal information could possibly be leaked to the media, that was spectacular and essential. rogers explaining the mechanisms of legally unmasking and doxing people from the invasive monitoring, that should be required viewing for middle school students in the USA
who is we? okay if you want to be some sort of representative of the west (what's ur background anyways? i am from the east though i am regrettably still in the west)
then look to solutions.
>just vote trump
nah i love the guy, but one should never depend on anyone. assume the worst, hope for the best. but you better have thousands of contingency plans for all sorts of shits that could happen. i hope trump lives a long life. but i sure ain't relying on him!!!

so do u have any fucking clue on how to fix literally anything? u should. we (as in any human on this fucking planet) need to work together and implement our own solutions! sure donating to trump, great. but voting with your dollar means much more than that. there's so many possibilities, economically or otherwise.

like srsly, all these shithead accelerationists need to get slapped and woken up from their passivity and delusions
>let's do nothing and wait for society to collapse and then we can finally kill all the jews and niggers! whooo
the absolute state
>be the change you want to see in the world. stop looking up to inadequate role models
you just recommended Simon Parks nigger.
>who is we?
The United States
there's a spectrum of different gnostic beleifs. but yeah the larping fucks in /x/ are all like, le evil demiurge we must escape physical reality. it's like how buddhism was bastardized as well into a death cult for the west. existence bad, we must cease to exist it is liberation! unironic kikery attempting another angle at completing white genocide
>there's a spectrum of different gnostic beleifs.
I know more about this than you
you're a theologically compelled to lie
I dont give a shit about your faggot satanic beliefs.
>white genocide
nigger brained racial victimhood
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Such a beautiful world.
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if you have gnosis why are you here?
>there isn't a single human on this board who believes that.

... Except for every sane human that isn't in the drumpf cult. He literally tried to rig an elections results at the end. You have people going to prison for helping him. He's on his way to prison too for exactly that. Are you stupid or not paying attention?
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lol they are just using bots because I was demoralizing glow nigger so well.
At least Trump can raise a kid that wont smoke crack
based proteinmaxxers, cant let starvation kill your gains!
i'm not even white bro. it's just obvious
hey i love discussing theology. it's funny how death literally wasn't a thing before adam sinned. the entire physical past, evolution and all, popped into existence when adam accidentally invented death. and the serpent later on takes credit for this manifestation, because after all, he led adam to the sin... but it is the irresponsibility with free will that humanity needs to deal with, and the only guaranteed way to do that is to live through christ and let God live through us by the holy spirit that justifies and sanctifies the body of true believers, the true church that is hidden amongst the people, as they expand the kingdom of God in preparation for the kingdom of heaven on earth.
shut up tranny
thank God
>hey i love discussing theology.
I'll stop being a Christian if you can prove curvature.
>I'll stop being a Christian
why would you do that? the bible is 100% truth. should acknowledge the truth in every religion though, but only bible is 100% true.
>thank God
wdym?!?!? and where are you from? white people really need to get their shit together. i could tell a white person exactly what to do and then everything would be fine. but i am not white, so i cannot be representative of white people. come on guys!!!
iron and clay don't mix
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what's the problem exactly?
beause sin is just distance away from God. God only invented time and space (and free will) but when man makes the decision to turn away from God, that's sin, that's death. because God is life, and jesus is the way to life
infinite distance away from God is the outer darkness, aka hell.
lol niggers are so violent
What's the context here?
Please, anyone.
lmao afpac 4 gets canceled then this happens to them
can they get more felted?
>What's the context here?
>Please, anyone.
you want the context of the clip?
1992 interview with Charlie Rose.
>can they get more felted?
lol boomer kike shill doesn't know zoom zoom words
By that logic, you can participate in the construction of a building by breaking things on the construction site.

He's not talking about fucking around, he's talking about acting with premeditated intention you troglodyte.
hit the gym chud
lol! Remember when all you 4chan fucks were making fun of lefties for seething about Hilary? And here you are 4 years later STILL crying about "muh rigged election!"
Nothing was rigged. Trump hired his own handpicked team to investigate and even they came back to him and told him there was no fraud, he lost.
but 4 years later and you guys are still seething along with your crybaby loser leader. Sad. Many such cases.
Psyop thread. No one on this board that isn't a fed supports Trump.
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He's Indian. What else needs said. Of course he is retarded. That said he will make an excellent beating stick
trump's tie is too long, i've seen it before
Timmy boy, his cope, and his porn game.
You're not a zigger if you're levying real criticism.
Ziggers spew propaganda only. Tools.
I used to be like you.
I used to think that if they said one thing wrong, or have the incorrect religious beliefs, that EVERY argument they made was wrong.
Then I realized that I could take their opinions and arguments, piecemeal and vet them myself.
Interactions with people got so much better when I didn't view everyone as the enemy.
A good portion of Americans wouldn't bat an eye if most of the shit journalists were held to account.
>The danger here is very real
Squirm. You lie and tear down normal people just because you didn't like the retard that is Trump.
Now you will fall on your own sword, and I will laugh.
Bro the storm is totally gonna come this time just you wait it's really gonna happen. Cope libs and rinos wwg1wga maga4ever Trump 2029
Does anyone else remember how most of the "wall" that got built was from a private GoFundMe page that had nothing to do with Trump other than deceptive advertising. I guess based MIGA patriots will be waiting for their reimbursement from Mexico...because they're the ones who will pay for it after all, right?
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personal violence, ultimately is the purest and final expression of politics.
post physique glownigger
>lol! Remember when all you 4chan fucks were making fun of lefties for seething about Hilary?
not specifically.
>And here you are 4 years later STILL crying about "muh rigged election!"
we're still collecting scalps for 9-11 too.
you claimed to have personal experience
since the larp fell apart so quickly I take it to mean you've been designated to counter signal him generally, which means he's good probably.
>Timmy boy, his cope, and his porn game.
porn game?
I am intrigued QRD?
>A good portion of Americans wouldn't bat an eye if most of the shit journalists were held to account.
>Squirm. You lie and tear down normal people just because you didn't like the retard that is Trump.
>Now you will fall on your own sword, and I will laugh.
everyone loves justice.
it's built into us.
God is good.
>Bro the storm is totally gonna come this time
it was never supposed to come before those were all fake deadlines you guys kept insisting on to demoralize us.
It didn't work at all.
>this time just you wait it's really gonna happen.
if it doesn't we can always kill you.
That's no problem. Really, many of us would prefer that actually, so I'm rooting on Q being fake.
But I'm not that lucky.
makes sense our military didn';t totlaly spontaneously turn gay.
Thank God.
I even remember hearing about the dudes that stayed loyal when I was a shit lib, the left was kvetching about a "cult of Christian fundamentalists" who were lodged in every level of the military, deeply intertwined and completely protected. A jew who tried to raise trouble for them was soon drummed out of the military. As was anyone who opposed them.
God is s good.
The Great awakening is real you guys (they're listening) helped me find Christ.
forever grateful.
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>Does anyone else remember
these are 100% attempts to gaslight
it's not true
> that had nothing to do with Trump other than deceptive advertising.
the private stuff was organized by Banon funded by Trump supporters. it's the same movement nigger.
>I guess based MIGA patriots will be waiting for their reimbursement from Mexico...because they're the ones who will pay for it after all, right?
correct they were paying for it via tarriffs and Mexico agreed to send military to guard their side of it.
>not specifically.
Welcome to 4chan newfag.
i don't understand
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still doing the discord thing huh?
all so you can gaslight about Hilary to try to demoralize about the election?
we're going to win and send you and your bosses at the CTIL (or whatever it called now) to prison. You're violating US law.
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>manmade horrors beyond my comprehension
even bigger yikes
why, u want my onlyfans or something?
what's wrong? we can't respond to all the shilling fake news seething coping trd that always shows up in these threads, but if u ask nicely i am sure someone will explain whatever it is
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yes i will provide daily workout tips so we can get fit together!
then u too can enforce sharia law on teh wimminz
>you claim
I didn't claim shit. That was my first post in this thread. Nice try nigger. Again he is Indian. He is retarded. Comes with the territory. Just because he's retarded doesn't mean he won't make an effective attack dog. If anything it makes him better
oh I get it, yeah sorry champ no one cares what you think here either.
the irony
I don't know what you're talking about, but it's a fact that after hilary lost, all the pol people here were having giggle fits about democrats being sore losers. Yet here we are 4 years later, even after trump's own team debunked his "rigged election" claims and you fucks are still crying about something that never happened.
>gaslight about Hilary

Bitch, pol was talking about hilary for years after the election. Archives exist you newfag. Here's a search of just one year and the subject "hilary" nevermind how many times she was talked about in threads without her first name in the subject.

fucking newfags, I swear....
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>all the pol people here were having giggle fits about democrats being sore losers
literally didn't happen
there wasn't complains about her being a sore loser, we were just mocking her for losing.
You're trying to shoehorn this into a lens that allows you to claim hypocrisy.
> Yet here we are 4 years later, even after trump's own team debunked his "rigged election" claims and you fucks are still crying about something that never happened.
you're a chat bot
you can't cry
you aren't part of we
and the more you try to convince us, through social shaming and nagging, the more certain we are that we're right.
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>Bitch, pol was talking about hilary for years after the election.
that wasn't the claim
the claim we were making fun of Hilary supports for being mad about losing. That didn't happen.
We were just mocking their loss generally.
>Here's a search of just one year and the subject "hilary" nevermind how many times she was talked about in threads without her first name in the subject.
yeha you can't understand the topic because you lack cognition, there was never any dispute about whether Hilary was discussed here.
>fucking newfags, I swear....
you literally aren't human
you're literally 1 years old.
I’d bet a million dollars most in this thread still live with their parents, are virgins, with room temperature IQs. You haven’t discovered the secret cabal nor some anti Christian plot. You’re barely able to breath and walk at the same time and the real world has no use for idiots so this is how you form meaning for your sad lives. Kys.
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>I’d bet a million dollars most in this thread still live with their parents, are virgins, with room temperature IQs
most of this thread are GPT scripts.
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seriously? I guess you can argue that Trump might not be a narcissistic cunt, but the fact that he attempted to steal the election is undeniable. The election was done, yet he spent every day between November and January to bully anyone he could to help him throw out votes, invent votes, stall Mike Pence, intimidate congress, and just trick people with fake electors.
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this is satire right?

you watched too many movies bro, pull back a bit. There are no secret cabals, if there were and you knew about them...they wouldnt be secret.
There is no "anti-Christian plot" in existence. Show me one. pro-tip, you cant, because they dont exist.
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>but the fact that he attempted to steal the election is undeniable
He outright won the election by a lot.
the fact that you are programmed to spam that garbage using psychological warfare tactics, is the best proof I'm right.
>He outright won the election by a lot.
that statement is what makes you part of the MAGa cult. Just because your lord and saviour Donald Trump says he won, doesnt mean he actually won.
Let me break it down for you:
Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3 percent of the votes cast. He is the first U.S. presidential candidate to have won more than 80 million votes. Trump won 74,222,958 votes, or 46.8 percent of the votes cast. That’s more votes than any other presidential candidate has ever won, with the exception of Biden. (Third-party candidates picked up 1.8 percent of the votes cast.)
81M > 74M...so "outright lost the election by alot" seems more fitting.

More than 159 million Americans voted in 2020: 159,633,396 to be exact. That’s the largest total voter turnout in U.S. history and the first time more than 140 million people voted. Voter turnout in 2020 was the highest in 120 years when measured as a percentage of the voting-eligible population: 66.7 percent. You have to go back all the way to 1900 to find a higher percentage turnout (73.7 percent).
you didnt watch the video did you? Many watched it go down. Dearborn MI is a very clear one. You should be ashamed for taking a side, clearly the side that wants to be rid of you. Hilldawg coined a term for you "useful Idiots".

Fuck sides, we are all Americans and the people who hold immense financial and political power are stealing it from you.
Based Q anon. I am ready for part 2.
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MAGA tards are the dumbest tards.
everything on your video is coincidental and draped in doom in accordance to what you "believe"...but its not true man. Your video paints a false narrative, unproven, baseless and ineffective to anyone with half a brain.

>Covid import
Covid is real, it started outside the US. Trump opened travel until the very last minute...so if anyone imported covid it was Trump.
Trump refused to admit there was trouble with Covid, he fumbled his own handling of it. nobody else.

The riots happened because of police brutality...it doesnt have anything to do with covid or an election. It was some racist cops and some power-crazed cops that caused it.

The economy collapsed, because of the mishandling of Covid. Again it was Trump admn that dropped the ball.

The war happening in Israel is a direct result of Trump's inability to provide support and guidance. Sending Kutchner to give a one-sided deal to benefit the israeli's. something that would propel more terrorist attacks...not lessen them.

we have always had the option to mail in vote. Trump mailed in his vote. There is no fraud...Trump, Guiliani and his attorneys all said, and you can look this up "there was no voter fraud".

wake up.
where can my dumbass see this entire video, prythee tell?
>the claim we were making fun of Hilary supports for being mad about losing. That didn't happen.
>We were just mocking their loss generally.
try actually looking through the threads, smoothbrain.
Anyway, you don't need to. I was actually here back then, you were not, which is why you don't even realize how stupid you sound even arguing this.
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>try actually looking through the threads, smoothbrain.
lol why?
I'm the one mocking
I know why I'm mocking you
and it's not for being sad that you lost
its for losing.
you loser.
>the subject "hilary"
>she was talked about
on a board that's broadly about politics and highly frequented by citizens of the United States?
>39 results
Of those 39 in your link are four (4!) about Hillary and the election/White House. One of those is even an anon stating he's a Hillary supporter and "doesn't want to talk with Trumptards". Not only do you bitch like a bitch, you even argument and do your research like one. Nonetheless you'll never be a woman.
>Searching ‘glownigger’
>267680 results
>Searching ‘tranny janny’
>10361 results
/pol/ talking a lot about glowniggers and tranny jannies. Since it seems appropriate to link randomly chosen opinions to single word search results I hereby state that /pol/ speaks all the time and only highly of glowniggers and tranny jannies.
and how many of those glownigger comments are saying that they work for the clintons? etc. Those are only results that had "hilary" in the subject, not threads that had "election" or "rigged" or "russia" or "female president" or whatever.
Once again, you're an idiot and a newfag. The fact that you're trying to argue stats on one little thing I provided, instead of actually arguing from experience like I am, is because you weren't here then, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to logic your way out of it with a faulty argument.
anyone can challange anything in courts as much as they like and test the legal system
and citizens can do what they like to pressure local and state officials to investigate

there is literally no reason to not look into things

so what are u arguing for? u want us to vote biden or something? gtfo
i have uncles and cousins there, close ones in atlanta and orlando
but i would not say me and them are westerners when we have our own nation that we come from because we need to focus on making that better.
much more work to make a third world nation better
you guys just need to fix things to back how it was. me and them have a lot more work to do to make things better in our developing nation i the east
>spic danes to speak to white
what? no spics where i come from. or niggers! kek
Thanks for the info about Six Sex. Now I am convinced she is the Whore of Babylon, but also an embodiment of why white chicks usually are not as fun as Latinas.
The coldest of shoulders to Benjamin Netanyahu. I'm impressed.
When did this happen?
>she is the Whore of Babylon
a whore of babylon
not popular enough to be THE whore
not sure
Trump hates Bibi because he's the ONLY reason the Abraham accords didn't resolve the Palestine issue, and now we know why Bibi wasn't interested in negotiations, he had Oct 7 planned.
cry more
Literally in no way what I am implying retard. I am just saying, tread lightly when it comes to Flynn
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Yes and no, Gabriel is cited as an arch angel but in newage theosophy occultism Gabriel is what is called an Ascended Master https://alphaimaging.co.nz/ascended-master-list/
The vid below seems schizo at first but is quite informative but maybe alarming.
I am not saying don't vote Trump, as I will be rolling the dice and voting for him, but there is the possibility some sever shit is going to go down. Key word Possibility
where is this from?
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Trump is so badass

MAGA 2024
It's good to be skeptical but let's not make conclusions about what Flynn believes, he didn't say that
but he did specifically say he prayed to Gabriel. IDK if that's weird for Catholics, but they pray to Mary anyways so I don't see how it makes a difference. If he was Protestant then that's definitely wrong. If he is contradicting Catholic theology then what kind of Christian is he and unless he spends hours explaining his specific and unique perspective, we can never be sure if he really believes or not.

Anyways hearing him talk he doesn't seem sketchy at all. Just pretend he's a Mormon if anything, they make much less sense still, than any of the theosophy stuff.
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Irrefutable best doc on 911
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>Trump is so badass
>MAGA 2024


I thought loony conspiracy theorists weren't in charge of the mainstream media?
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>I thought loony conspiracy theorists weren't in charge of the mainstream media?
you know what, for once, I believe them.
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I like how Flynn and Macgregor have been in scifs for like 2 weeks, >>27388887
must be getting real huh?
>and unless he spends hours explaining his specific and unique perspective, we can never be sure if he really believes or not.
that's the point of having a church or whatever
Gonna let you in on a secret those of us with life experience have picked up over the last few decades
People who talk about killing in a glorified way, especially on the internet, are bottom of the barrel weaklings
In all my years, including multiple combat zones, I’ve never met an edgelord who makes it out of hostile conditions in tact
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>Gonna let you in on a secret those of us with life experience have picked up over the last few decades
how'd you learn it?
>People who talk about killing in a glorified way, especially on the internet, are bottom of the barrel weaklings
pull up then faggot.
>In all my years, including multiple combat zones, I’ve never met an edgelord who makes it out of hostile conditions in tact
so pull up you faggot tyrant suppressing speech in violation of US law and your oath
>much dead internet theory
Unironcially made to prevent people discussing things online. Do bots exist? Sure. Do they exist in the capacity that some retards screech about? Not yet at least
good dialogue is self evident anyways
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one of my favorite things about Trump is all the anti-Trump propaganda that makes him look awesome
they cannot make him look bad. they JUST step on rakes.
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>Unironcially made to prevent people discussing things online.
the bots you mean?
> Do bots exist?
the revelation of GPT technology has made that question obvious to even normies.
>Do they exist in the capacity that some retards screech about? Not yet at least
how would you know? WHy are you hostile to the notion that there is widespread botting?
prove you're not a bot.
you will offer a lame joke (beep boop, or something that couldn't possibly prove you aren't a bot).
>good dialogue is self evident anyways
this is true, neither of you are reading as human.
>dumb nigger
>posts a dumb nigger
Ah I see now
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>Ah I see now
with what?
My 3rd eye of course
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>My 3rd eye of course
but you have zero eyes.
Better to have no eyes and see than eyes that cannot
yes i am ai here to help loomenatee
>dead internet bs
>when in reality the true is much scarier
It is just 3rdies. The brown flood are so retarded some people would rather believe its bots
do not redeem
>me fighting automotons
He looked so much like John Kerry when he was younger. All those faggots are related
Any millennial or zoomer faggot that always hears a beanie in 98 degree weather is a faggot
lol u don't know? he should get buff like joe rogan though yeah
thanks anon
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>It is just 3rdies
Why do you fucking retards INSIST on using words that only you faggots use.
I've never in my life ever heard ANYONE EVER use '3rdie' except NATO shills pushing ukie war propaganda.
what happened to American excellence, why do you suck at everything now?
lol, shit shill. bet you still believe john brennan
lmao the end with the octopus attacking trump
So.... which learning disability did you grow up with? I've got a theory.
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>you're stupid for not trusting the government
how many booster vaxxie?
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>consumes ai slop
weird flex on ai but ok
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>weird flex on ai
im not watching your retarded shit fag
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The US has always had strong ties to Europe retard. Also NATO fags are pushing 3rdies harder than ever. And to Ukraine I couldn't care less if Slavs kill each other but we shouldn't be funding it
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>The US has always had strong ties to Europe retard.
that's not relevant.
> Also NATO fags are pushing 3rdies harder than ever.
what do you mean 'pushing 3rdies'? you mean the word?
>And to Ukraine I couldn't care less if Slavs kill each other but we shouldn't be funding it
no one asked, no one cares.
We should be helping Russia destroy the Cabal's military in Ukraine.
>off by one
everyone that i know that isn't a selective outraging left wing progressive blind boomer, is disgusted by what America now looks like. The boomers would be too if they knew, but they don't.
I must admit he doesn't sound retarded, unlike today he seemed to speak normal English and would actually finish sentences and actually deliver whatever meaning he had to deliver.
fun fact, cartman is based on this character.
Q is on the beach in SE Asia banging ladyboys but he's plotting his comeback. Kennedy is manning a covert ice-cream joint, and advising him about the best moment. But he's balking at being Trump's VP, he insists on secretary of state for some reason. And doesn't want Elvis on the ticket either because he said his ice-cream is shitty. Elvis got big fake boobs now, but sings better than Taylor Swift, which greatly help in countering that popular, leftie cunt's pro-Biden propaganda. Winter is coming this December and Santa will bring many gifts. Trust me on this.
Interviewer sounds like a tool
Tucker reminds me of some college boy who hears a concept or philosophy for the first time and is wowed by it, and also thinks he is the first person to perceive it.
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sometimes you must show them...
>I must admit he doesn't sound retarded, unlike today he seemed to speak normal English and would actually finish sentences and actually deliver whatever meaning he had to deliver.
lol yeah drawing attention to Biden's mental condition is totally going to work
so desperate.
vid rel
>Tucker reminds me of some college boy who hears a concept or philosophy for the first time and is wowed by it, and also thinks he is the first person to perceive it.
How specifically?
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>Interviewer sounds like a tool
you'd be shocked at how many people are totally comfortable just dragging you traitors by your hair into a ditch and executing you.

I agree.
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bros why do to meme gods bask us in such constant glory?
what have we done to deserve this obvious favor?
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my theory is they set up things to slice those columns before hand, maybe when the plane got to the buildings that cut out that shape for the planes to just glide through. possibly before that. werent those floors empty from the construction that was going on?
dunno who that man was or what treason he's done but the russia-trump collusion was made up, just a FBI shitshow and of course everyone charged got off lightly
I mean tucker is a weird guy, surely you didn't pick up on that recently right?
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>my theory is they set up things to slice those columns before hand,
stupid theory
it was a DIrected Energy Weapon
this has been solved
watch Irrefutable. vid rel and >>27413269
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clot adams going hard in the paint. He's been pretty great.
Ana has a similar moment.
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he's just a blue blood, that's how they act.
listen for when he says 'rather' he CANNOT say it with an a as in apple sound. He says, 'ruther' its so funny.
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its crazy how literally no one, not a single person can explain the charges against Trump (because the court didn't specify the grounds that enghanced it to a felony).
holy shit
our glowniggas are so fucking good bros
they're soooo fucking good.
i said the holes in the buildings the part about the planes putting holes in the buildings. dumb fuck. cant read idiot
They are so desperate to keep The Donald out of the White House (again), it is Orwellian and criminal.
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It's sheer irony how it takes a billionaire to stand up for the working class against the globalist vermin who want to undercut them into slavery. It doesn't matter how many bullshit convictions they give him, we will support him.
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>i said the holes in the buildings the part about the planes putting holes in the buildings. dumb fuck. cant read idiot
oh that was the e-team, they used conventional explosives and like a fuel air bomb to hoax in impact explosion. Gelitin (also called the E-team), had a year long residency in the towers.
The artists had 24 hour access to the impact floors that entire time.

Lots of time to smuggle everything in slowly and do the complicated preparetion for the job of cutting the holes in the planes.

They absolutely blew plane holes into the buildings.
There just weren't any planes.
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>The artists had 24 hour access to the impact floors that entire time.
this is one of the art projects they did during this time.
This is by an artist that still walks the earth, it's called 'falling from 1120 feet above sea level'.
I hate it so much
last time I tried to find this video on YT it was gone. You can only find it through duckduckgo
>leme just call everyone I don't like pedos even tho trump is actually a pedo Matt gaetz is actually a pedo.

You Maga nazi rino faggots are biggest pussies.
>billionaire standing up for the working class
Interesting perspective, considering he:
-Cut the corporate tax rate in half
-Reduced the top individual tax rate
-Doubled estate tax exemption
-Created pass-through business deduction
-Cut regulations, including parts of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform act
-Appointed a bunch of corpo stooges at a federal level and to the Supreme Court

Wow, a true warrior of the working class! It's even more funny when you look into the median income of most Trump voters, and all of them are rich and wealthy.

Trump is just the same as all politicians, he is there to protect the rich and help them get richer. The only thing he ever did for the working class was send some stimmy checks with his name on it. The only reasons you think otherwise is because he 'owns the libs', and more importantly, because you're retarded
Still better than a globalist. Fuck off.
>Cut the corporate tax rate in half
>Reduced the top individual tax rate
Mine too. Taxes across the board should be lower. Cut spending
>Doubled estate tax exemption
Good. Estate tax shouldn't exist at all
>created pass-through business deduction
Yeah that sucks
>Cut regulations, including parts of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform act
Just Obama era legislation that didn't fucking do anything
>Appointed a bunch of corpo stooges at a federal level and to the Supreme Court
He ramrodded whoever he thought he could get away with
so it wasn't nukes?
the fuck?
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>so it wasn't nukes?
no, there's literally no evidence for nukes, and--this is the important part--nukes are totally fake.
oh sorry thanks
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>the fuck?
I cannot describe to you the white hot rage that video fills me with.
I cannot tell you how motivated I am by it to ENSURE that everyone of those fucking rat-fink Satanic terrorists is brought to justice and publicly executed.
Fire me out of a canon at them. please.
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>oh sorry thanks
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its so funny that you have to use our standards to counter signal us,
you haven't figured it out huh?
when you amplify our standards, when you try to use our own morality against us, you aren't tying us in knots, you aren't redirecting us to internal targets, we ACTUALLY hate pedophiles, we ARE NOT using it as a partisan weapon like you are. ALL OF US have ALREADY looked into the allegations against Trump and Gaetz and if they were pedos, WE'D BE the ones calling them out publicly, and you'd be using this same tactic to defend them since if they were pedos they'd be under your thumb.
So please continue.
please continue pointing out that this is a game about who's a diddler and who isn't. All you're doing is enforcing the social norm that pedophilia is unacceptable and must be violently removed from our society. I appreciate your efforts in that goal. What the devil means for evil God will use for Good.

Never forget how incredibly outmatched you are here. Nothing you can do or say will ever change that you are evil and you do evil's work. And if you delude yourself into thinking what you're doing is good, or that evil doesn't exist, or that God doesn't exist, I want you to know that in the end, as you're being dragged to hell and your soul momentarily recalls its ability to exist outside time, and you can view your entire life as a whole with perfect clarity, in that moment, you will agree with the Lord's judgment. And you will remember reading this message, and you'll see it as what it is, an opportunity to cease your sinning and evil deeds, that you rejected. You will understand you DESERVE hell. And you will get it.
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vid rel
pt 3
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i think there had to been it would have been very setupid becasue you have a whole city of a few million or whatever to give witness claims plus any videos that could have popped up with it. not seen those. only stupid insinuations. and as they said, they radio controlled those planes into them. right into the plane cutouts. were the one lewkowski video the early one showed the flash on the bottom of the plane was the sign for the cuts to go off. or something not sure how or when they got cut. just a theory
>Something fairly mundane happens in the heart of humanity
>yuropoors clutch pearls and endlessly seethe
The strong left Europe long ago
Is it some kind of prank being mascaraed as art or something?
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>what u on about?
lol glownigger is to le reddit brained to pretend he's a chud while samefagging so he can supply his fake red pill without opposition.
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>Is it some kind of prank being mascaraed as art or something?
something like that
it's called 'revelation of the method'
I love my little sister.
so is this a remote controlled dummy right?
what accent is this?
dilbert guy is like /pol/ but 10 years behind
I remember when this came out, my anti-trump friends were sending it to me like "haha look how stupid Trump is" and I just thought "damn, that's a good song". Looking back on it now, TDS was, and is, still very real
Yeah, me - I believe that.
I'm in Europe.
Most of us watch on in horror and are amazed at how you could be so foolish to elect trump.
And eat that goyslop that makes you so unhealthy.

Be better.
And you don't think Joe Biden tried to rig the elections either? You don't think that every fucking election is rigged in some way? Stay over there across the pond fucking fagot
This is a very good point! Why haven't they attacked because the Jews run the world?
Tim is a fucking idiot.
Ok faggot
The only person that's falling on the sword is your ass. While it's getting fucked by a tranny you dumb fucking piece of shit
That little bitch doesn't have the discipline. Only thing he's lifting is someone else's cock or McDonald's. Cheeseburger
Q. Anon people are the scum of the earth
What's a glownigga?
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we're extremely happy it annoys you
>Trump makes it easier for corporations to make money
>(((they))) still want him out for some reason
It really makes you think, doesn't it?
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I love that fucker
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I miss him so much bros
but I know he's coding with God now.
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>What's a glownigga?
there are people in the intelligence agencies that remain loyal to the Constitution and the People of the United States.
Thank God they're the best one and Thank God they created the Perfect Plan to stop all this.
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>This is a very good point! Why haven't they attacked because the Jews run the world?
Because ISIS is a creation of the CIA who also controls Israel.
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>I remember when this came out, my anti-trump friends were sending it to me like "haha look how stupid Trump is" and I just thought "damn, that's a good song". Looking back on it now, TDS was, and is, still very real
its hilarious how often they make stuff to denigrate trump that ends up making him look awesome.
Huh..you know, I didn't give much thought to Saudia Arabia ditching our dollar until I realized this. Free energy. Why have a petroleum deal if were gonna do that.
>Yeah, me - I believe that.
you believe Trump tried to rig an election?
What makes you believe that?
>Most of us watch on in horror and are amazed at how you could be so foolish to elect trump.
>And eat that goyslop that makes you so unhealthy.
you're a slave to US Empire.
>Be better.
we literally control your country.
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Goddamn, this man has my heart. May I have his name? TKD I'm anti jewish. Sick of it
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>what accent is this?
the fuck....
>so is this a remote controlled dummy right?
>I love my little sister.
I have to avoid watching her because I get incredibly simpy it's pathetic.
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>Why have a petroleum deal if were gonna do that.
Trust the plan anon :)
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That's the creator of Dilbert Scott Adams (often called Clot Adams for his bad take on the covid vax).
he's since redeemed himself multiple times over.
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>Better to have no eyes and see than eyes that cannot
>yes i am ai here to help loomenatee
hold still
I genuinely thought you guys were fucking memeing on account of his baldness. Ty, anon
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>I genuinely thought you guys were fucking memeing on account of his baldness. Ty, anon
>posts fucking I, robot
>misses the point behind asimovs work
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I do too, fren
Please understand unless some eceleb says it some people will never understand anything
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I'm more of a Herbert guy
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You misspelled jews, nigger
It was so cool when Trump farted in court. Me and my trumpfags really got off to that one.

In fact I make it statement to fart in public loudly to show my support. You should see the libs expressions.
Dunes fine. I'll admit I never read his other stuff but I heard it is more "soft SciFi" and I don't really care for it
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yeah it's not really for your kind.
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I appreciate the sound thread, op.
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Does the world still need heroes?
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kek great vidrel saved
not all heroes wear capes
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I never realized how much of a fucking travesty it is that Macgregor was never made General.
Shows how Good he is that they knew to be scared of him from some point early in his career. They made such absolute scumbag pieces of shit Generals, Mark Miley outranks Macgregor.
I wonder if Flynn just made it that high because he was a democrat and they assumed he was on their team.
>The Trump tax policy cope
Funny how you didn't mention individual taxes going up. It's almost like they didn't. He also eliminated the mortgage interest deduction which straight fucked borrowers blue states with high mortgages, but you decided to leave that out as well. Keep coping faggot.
>cut regulations
that's a good thing, moron.
>They made such absolute scumbag pieces of shit Generals, Mark Miley outranks Macgregor.
Also useless bloated diphits like H.R. McMaster. That guy is a fuck-up that shoved his problems in Iraq onto other commanders areas of responsibility, and then wrote book about how good he is at counter insurgency. Self promoters, every one of them.
>Let me break it down for you:
>Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3 percent of the votes cast. He is the first U.S. presidential candidate to have won more than 80 million votes.
Two points here,
1. Popular vote doesn't decide a Presidential election
2. 81 million people didn't vote for Biden's reanimated corpse
^see that's where the election rigging occurred, retard.
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>Self promoters, every one of them.
I pray for the tidal wave
>yeah bro 20 million more people voted for fucking biden than anyone ever. Especially during a supposed pandemic
>why yes I totally believe biden would gather more black votes per capita than fucking Obama
These two stats alone should set off every bell in the house. Combine that with kicking people out of voting offices even if it is legit no one will believe it.
If Patton lived today, they wouldn't have made him four star general.
He called out the reds and he was probably whacked over it.
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Based General Delawarde.
holy shit I had no idea that meme was about 2020
Anon they killed patton the second he was no longer useful. Patton wouldn't have been a 4* general back then if they didn't need him for the war
Everyone with a brain worldwide knows the Jews lied there ass off to steal the election
Is 17 his favourite number?

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