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For animated (2d and 3d) Hentai and related art.
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This actually looks pretty offical.
your proxy works, ban evader.
it quite clearly did teleport their clothes though baka
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Me and the wife were like this... but au contraire...
Me and your wife are still like this.
No way, son. We are both too old for that lustful passion now.
>a good husband passing down the responsibility of pleasuring his wife to his son
do u have the next part?
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>finally be able to create webms
>HMV threads are none existant
Why must I suffer?!
That's because whoever did the subtitles is apparently even worse than I am, which is saying something.

The line goes "Mata, fuku ga chuutohanpa ni nokotteimasu kedo"

"Chuutohanpa" means halfway, incomplete, half-assed, etc. "Nokotteimasu" (ongoing action + polite form of "nokosu") means "being left behind/unfinished." Since "fuku" (clothing) is the subject, she says literally "Once again, the clothing is half-assedly left behind, though." So I think it would be better to translate it as something like "It still leaves some of the clothes behind..."

Note: I'm probably not fully accurate here, but hopefully that explains why the original translation didn't make sense.
File: Maid.webm (3.5 MB, 680x382)
3.5 MB
Well there are two options

>the skirt and tie are a part of her

>they are made of human skin
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Anyone ever watch this? It looks interesting. Apparently called La Blue Girl 2
its in the name. I love the artist
someone make a new one...
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Whoever made this has never been in a relationship, because the panels should be swapped.
I miss "hentai seen from the perspective of the viewer" like this and Chichinoya.
You are an American, ain't ya?
>>Full length and in-depth explanation about Anti-Gook language.
Fuck off nerd
american website
Full version?
La Blue Girl is excellent. I got someone I met via IRC in the 90s to send me a VHS of episodes 1-6. Basically a ninja clan fights demons but the battles always come down to fucking, where whomever cums first, loses. One ninja clan of women punish dissenters with a thorny, spiked dildo. Wild stuff for a horny rural kid in 1996.
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pls don't let this one die quick, I lost a bunch of threads I was keeping up w bc they archived and 404'd while I had no access to my pc and couldn't save shit
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I'm a dumb fuck, forgot the vid on this one
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What is it with the shittest music possible with these videos? Even rap has a more complex beat. It's just noise.
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>anon does what has to be done
thank you for your service
eggselent post chef
absolute classic
dunno, don't care, don't even pay attention to the music most of the time, it's just background noise
have another one since the thread is about to die again tho
the pan and focus on the raised fist kills me every time
Option three - they're becoming Brundlewaifu
imagine dying suddenly of a heart attack or blood clot or something, and someone goes through your computer and finds this webm
The "come here" movement is wrong...
Man I really hate this animation studio, all of their stuff looks like the same motion blurred interpolated shit.
thanks chéf
Thank you chef
Isekai Harem Monogatari
Don't know about the manga, but the anime isn't all that good.
Every time I see Japanese censorship it just makes me want to nuke Japan a 3rd time.
Hold up. is that the same artist that makes Punch Punch Forever?
What ecchis or hentais do you guys know of that are overall more realistic? i.e. more sensual, sexy - less massively exaggerated 200x jiggle physics with nipples the size of lava lamps and squelching liquids every scene
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Not the nerd, but someone literally asked and he explained. I hope the reason you're on this site is because no one irl likes you.
Goddamn, I'm getting old... Any more like these?

Nah this is normal in Asian-Asian relationships (not counting Westernized Asians). You meet/get introduced to someone whose social value matches yours, and you do your best to impress them by being clean and proper, then both sides finally start to let down their guards. The downside of this is you don't get to see problems and cracks in the relationship until like 2 or 3 years on, which is a lot of wasted time.
thanks chef
Must feel good to discover speedsausage for the first time
nuki doki revolution ep3
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also, any good places to grab webms? Sankaku used to be my go-to since their tag system really makes it easy to look for stuff, but in the few months or so I haven't been there the place went to shit
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Unironically reddit, r/HENTAI_GIF has lots of good webm material.
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DyE - Fantasy clip for >>>/co/144163284
original on YouTube removed for violating YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content
full video in two parts, here's part 1
Believe it or not, this is not a hentai.

It's from an anime called To LOVE-Ru
part 2
Women at Work
Shaking the screen is the video equivalent of a toddler playing with the volume controls and pretending he's a DJ.
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I was talking more like getting webms that are already done and ready to post here, boorus tend to either be messy to search or lack in content, sank really was the best imo, but the owners have been shitting up the place more and more. Thanks anyways tho
also bump
2024 and hentai still looks like shit compared to the 80s/90s
why do they always give them eye half the size of their heads??
better than fucking poro, or that other studio that just takes the doujin and makes porn using the exact same images, and the translation from it to animation is fucking horrible, you can't tell they are not made to move but to imply movement. It's like seeing 2d puppets shit, so awkward. I don't remember the name but they are the studio that has done adaptions of some Shiwasu no Okina doujins.
it's someone who draws anime/hentai drawings, of course they've never been in a real relationship
Didn't the censorship laws come out of the US occupation?
sauce on the song?
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no clue, got this from one older thread here. Try using shazam or some other song finder app, maybe you'll get lucky.
I thought it was one of the relics that survived from older times. Didn't tentacle erotica become so big there, from the censorship? You can even find variations of it in ancient artworks. Bump
Thomas Gold - Hangover
Nice projection.
Just because of Your sentiment, I'm going to save it down and wank to it from time to time
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this place has been so dead lately. Miss when it was better a few years ago, and wish the archives still had the files saved
>says things used to be better
>proceeds to post this abomination
Fuck wmaf starting to trend in the animes now, paco can't even avoid reality in anime land anymore

Artist: nekololisama
with audio:
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Never heard of it.
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hot damn. Makes me want to marry...
That's from La Blue Girl Returns (no kidding)
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Is it good? Like is the plot worth it? It looks like it might be cool
This is literally the reverse of a relationship, designed to appeal to the porn addled who have never been in one in their whole lives
it's a classic. well worth the watch, even if only for historical academic reasons
Well, I don't think so much. Miyu is gonna marry to a guy and Miko is invited to the ceremony but in reality it's some bugpeople plan to invade Shikima's dimension to regain control of the Shikima brain blah blah blah, two episodes.

Then some other computer plague people come to try the same, really if you like tentacle porn it's gold for you.
post the full one anon
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not those anons but thanks
Hot noodles
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A while back, someone posted a huge trove of live2D vids and I'm annoyed that I missed them. Anyone got more good live2D stuff?

Dumpan 1/?
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4 MB
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Most of the really good ones are unfortunately pretty low quality due to this board's (file) size limit.
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I like x-rays, it seems.
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Alt version featuring boobies
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Who is the artist ?
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I think I'll stop here for now. I'll come back later once I've edited some of the better ones down to 4MB.
Quali-tay. Good shit
Nigel Thornberry on the fucking newspaper cover XD
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Ane wa Yanmama Junyuu-chuu
Obrigado chefe
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oh no theres bbc in hentai im trigged now
>it’s the piano girl

for quality like that that’s pretty fuckin wild. are there more of these?
People do get tired of fucking all the time. This is literally a virgin azn male wet dream.
>NOOoOoOO this hentai is le heckin' UNREALISTIC
Do you even listen to yourselves?
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I thought it was meant to be unrealistic.
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thx bro, you make me wanna learn jap
>it's fantasy so anything can happen at any moment for any reason and you can't complain about it because it's not real
this is the second most retarded form of counter criticism around.
>it's fantasy so anything can happen at any moment for any reason
Yes. You fucking retard. If I want reality I'll read a history book or a diary, or watch a documentary, or people watch. Faggots like you gave us the "realistic" era for games and movies. Try living a life instead of recreating it.
>Yes. You fucking retard.
no, you fucking retard.
Even fantasy worlds have rules that should be obeyed for the sake of believability. LOTR has dragons and magic, but a man can still die from multiple arrow hits to the chest.
>Even fantasy worlds have rules
And guess what, sometimes those rules don't follow ours. Sometimes it's one rule, other times it's multiple, other times it's all of them. Here, this will help sort you our
>And guess what, sometimes those rules don't follow ours. Sometimes it's one rule, other times it's multiple, other times it's all of them.
yup, we are in agreement.
the problem is when someone says, "hey wait, that scene doesn't follow the rules!" and then some clever anon comes along and says, "it's FANTASY it's not supposed to be realistic".
Don't be that anon.
Gyakuten Majo Saiban: Chijo Na Majo Ni Sabakarechau. Learn how to search for source tho, it's honestly not that hard
history of my life
That's largely the fault of the US/occupying forces enforcing their political aims and personal morality in the mid 40s. Even as a joke, it makes no sense to suggest they deserve to get nuked a third time when it's the US' fault for enacting harsh censorship that has lingered long after up to this day.
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lol every hmv be like *worst music possible*
euphoria, I think
Half of that stuff would be watchable if it wasn't for the shitstain music.
I can see why Japan is going through the demographic meltdown, the amount of effort it takes just to get your dick wet isn't remotely worth it
Look at that hairline! That's obviously an Okinawan, not a black man, rabbi.
I read about this in the paper.
more bump
It's fucking hard, but satisfying if you enjoy the content and want to understand it better. I'm still really bad though, and it's a miracle I was even able to figure out what they were saying in that clip because my listening skills are awful.
Though, it seems to be getting harder to get some content in original Japanese (like manga, JP-subbed anime, and lately even doujin). I swear it's easier to find a lot of the stuff translated into Chinese than to find the original Japanese.
Thanks chef
that's fucking nasty
Youjuu Kyoushitsu
You sir are correct in that assessment.
Tfw you'll never have this.
the artstyle nowayds is fine but why is the animation usually always dogshit compared to 15-20 years ago? is it as simple as making a few frames and move them around in paint while recording to pump out as much garbage as possible?
instead of making 10 frames, you can now make 4 frames and have AI interpolate the rest.

or you can make 1 single image, and have after effects enlarge and reduce said image to invoke movement.
still doesn't change the fact that you're basically watching the same frame moving from left to right and back for over a minute. repeat 10 times and there you have your newest hentai, enjoy!
Wemon at work.
definitely a nipponese man, kike
Is this the same artist? Where can I find more?
Merci, chef.
PSA: This faggot >>27414474 spams tranny porn in TTD threads lmao no one should take him seriously.
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Yeah they do lewds. Best place to see stuff is their newgrounds.
Get this loli shit outta here. Noone wanna see that. If you do it's just cause tabboo but it's not actually hot.
Did she died?
Ahh, really takes me back. What a classic.

Anyone know others from the same era/artstyle?
Uchi no Otouto Maji de Dekain Dakedo Mi ni Konai.

If anyone was curious. Spent a second searching for it
Next time I get a girlfriend I'm going to ask to grope her on public transit and we pretend we are strangers... I wouldn't wanna fuck but it's something I always wanted to experience. Would be super hot if noone notices. But also hot if some white night tries to stop me and then she says "no, I'm okay with it" just to see the look on their face.

Ofc part of the fantasy is she has to pretend she's not 100% into it. Accepting but not eager is the attitude.
Another time I want her to grope me.

With my ex gf we used to fuck in parks like the woods or the beach. But never like a roleplay scenario in public. I really want to try it.
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Call me a newfag but what's the name of that one famous hentai with an unsteady camera and pretty good oral scenes?
Sauce pls
great movie, would LOVE to see more
Toriyama hentai?
Energy Kyouka
Highschool girl can't pay phone bill so she does fucky fucky in the bathroom for cash, then moves on to being a prostitute for classmate's moms underground sex house
Where did you find Viper SR uncensored? I can only find it censored no matter where I look.
Do virgins really think couples fuck more as time passes
Sauce good anon?
Idk, a year into a relationship when I was a teen this feels pretty accurate. When my first gf would come over and sex was really novel to us we would pretty much just fuck the entire day sometimes only stopping to get food or play games for a while. We'd get so horny going on hikes etc together that we'd pull over and fuck in the car or outside if we were confident we wouldn't get caught

Young love is crazy
>"There, there. Let me kiss it better..."
that's not Energy Kyouka. That's ''Gakuen No Ikenie Nagusami Mono To Kashita Kyonyuu Furyou Shoujo ~hakudaku Ni Okasareru Kasshoku & Daniku No Kyouen~ ''
nipple penetration is so good

I've got the original 6 on VHS and Returns on DVD in the other room.
this is cute. Name?
How did you learn about punch punch forever without knowing the previous stuff? Just curious
forgot the file lmao
Holy shit, I thought I'd never see this again. There are also less characters than I remembered
Funny you say that, I think about that once in a while and also always thought I would never find it again. In fact I was just thinking that this morning. Crazy times.
Not enough animated borderline-lewd music videos.
Go Go Ackman

It's not a hentai. It even had an SNES game.
>ackman ran from that qt
It should have been me...
Pisu Hame episode 2
It's funny. You watch JAV and its all the crying/mewling stuff like she's being raped, but is too weak-willed to make it stop, but then you watch hentai and it's all wild, passionate moaning like she's loving getting dicked down.

I wonder why that is?
Taimanin Asagi, the kunoichi gangrape hentai that's always raping the same girls that in the end kill their captors asfter beng brainwashed and fucked by whatever.
You can pick any; they're all the same shit.
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man i really wanna dry a girl's hair
bump again
it's more expressive. It is a kind of stylistic exaggeration.
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This specific hentai is the absolute best of its kind I love it so much
All my jizz
I have been married for 5 years and this is by the most unrealistic ever. Sure maybe 5 months after marriage but after that it’s only during holidays
Please make webms of this hentai. And of the nip penetration of the brown girl. I'd do it myself if I could
anon it was 2012 twelve years ago
dunno how to make webms either, and I'm too lazy to learn, I'm just grabbing these from the boorus. Bump
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danke chef!
I regret not doing more of this as a teenager.
So much pain and abuse...
Anons, don't forget to live while you can.
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Kyonyuu Fantasy
Shut the fuck up, you fucking faggot.
Two guys/gang stuff? Or the clearly eager recipient? I love this webm. What’s the source, anyone know?
It's sad seeing so many beta males reply to this admiting they have unsatisfying relationsips, i'm 40 have been with my wife for 20 years and we still have sex often.
Had to stop fapping, this is hilarious
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As a virgin who watched alot of dating content, I just know it depends on the couple. Some people are born part rabbit, others just want to have a person, that doesn't anger them, share space and responsibilities. Plus sex drive goes down with age (usually) along with how sex can get routine (look at the shit on this board anons need) unless you spice it up or make it rare. I'm assuming all those anons just don't have a very active sex drive or are old.
Not perfect, but here's a translation of the words that show up, excluding sound effects:

Woman: "N-no way... no more!"
Man: "Just accept your duty and take care of our dicks."
Man: "C'mon! Let's cum at the same time! You'll cum from having semen poured inside you, won't ya? All right, do it!"
Man: "Yui-chan's mouth feels so good..."
Man: "For real, Yui-chan's so hot, she's going to squeeze every last drop out of me."

Really nice, although it's kind of silly how they're playing her like an accordion
You're in the 7th circle of hentai's inferno if this is your "wacking" material.
Tell you how it iz
huh, I didn't know they animated Pisu Hame, or any of his works.
This is adorable.
that's taking tentacle porn in a whole new direction!
(makes me wonder if anyone has done animated "Magic Eyes" 3-D porn)
it's because women always compromise, and the incels complain that they don't compromise enough. funny innit
u must actually understand (your) women
My wife and I have been together for over a decade and our sex life has only gotten better. Can't speak for others.
viper rsr
Everyone here whining about how fake this is is wrong. We've stopped caring about peacocking and just live our lives around eachother.

Maybe all yalls shit was fake
incredibly superior thread
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there's one I've been looking for for ages. it's a dude blowing some sort of hermaphrodite, and she is super submissive while cumming in his mouth. anyone got sauce?
I know one or two that match, but give me some more to narrow it down, do you remember anything, like hair colors, how the scene is set up (are they in a bed, somewhere else, etc.) fully naked or clothed.. that kinda thing
Edited a version of this hentai show to make it look like it wasn't a sex bot at all.
Lurk for better javs, I was also stuck with girls moaning like a baby pig, now I just see them when the girl act like a sex addict.
thread ruined
thread saved

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